Σύντομη Περιγραφή

The passing storm “Daniel” has had disastrous consequences for the entire region of Thessaly, as well as the rest of the country.

The aftermath of these events is relentless and ongoing.

Our fellow citizens are in desperate need of essential supplies, such as food and water.

The Act of Kindness organisation is immediately taking action, in order to support the flood-stricken regions, by visiting all the affected areas, in order to conduct an assessment and to work with other certified organisations and competent bodies, in order to immediately cover the needs that daily surface.

We are setting a SUPPORT ACTION PLAN for all the affected areas of Greece for as long as needed.  


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  • 5.000,00 

  • 5.508,87 

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The campaign is successful.

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137 Εκστρατείες | 0 Loved campaigns

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

The passing storm “Daniel” has had disastrous consequences for the entire region of Thessaly, as well as the rest of the country.

The aftermath of these events is relentless and ongoing.

Our fellow citizens are in desperate need of essential supplies, such as food and water.

The Act of Kindness organisation is immediately taking action, in order to support the flood-stricken regions, by visiting all the affected areas, in order to conduct an assessment and to work with other certified organisations and competent bodies, in order to immediately cover the needs that daily surface.

We are setting a SUPPORT ACTION PLAN for all the affected areas of Greece for as long as needed.  

During the outbreak of these disastrous events, we proceed to our PRIMARY SUPPORT plan, by providing the residents, the fire fighters and the medical facilities, with expendable medical and medicinal supplies, food and other essential supplies, as well as food for the animals.

Our country is currently facing one of the biggest disasters of the past century.

You too can participate in the Organization’s support action plan, through our aid campaign.

We cannot remain spectators! Now is the time to take action! Only by joining forces, can we achieve the impossible!


To send you the invoice, click here 

You can help by the following ways:

  • by entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or

credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe).

  • by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: Reference “FOR GREECE’S FLOOD-STRICKEN AREAS”


Piraeus Bank 

          Account number: 5222091702771

          IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


National Bank

          Account number: 21000630539

          IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


Alpha Bank

          Account number: 701002002030506

          IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS 



          Account number: 00260024130201219506

          IBAN: GR6502600240000130201219506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


  • – by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this

campaign’s unique RF60917199903903903903903 payment.

  • – by sending a text message to 19825. The message must read: “FOR GREECE’S FLOOD-STRICKEN AREAS”. (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)


*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece.






  • 15-09-2023

    6th Emergency Aid Mission for the flood-stricken regions of Greece!

    The Act of Kindness organization is immediately taking action in order to support the areas of Thessaly and the citizens who have been greatly affected by the catastrophic consequences of the recent floods.
    We first came in contact with the public and private entities which are assisting the flood-stricken areas, in order to record all the needs that have arisen.
    After an initiative of our Organization, and in collaboration with the Association of Historic Military Vehicles, the Mediterra Institute and the Select Group of Special Operations of the municipality of Thessaloniki, we have established a course of action in order to assist the affected areas.
    After taking into consideration the needs that have arisen, we procured the required equipment, as well as the essential and medical supplies, on our own resources, in order to distribute them to the affected citizens.
    Once more, Lidl Hellas stands by our charity work and our fellow citizens, offering 3 tons of essential supplies to our emergency aid mission.
    On Tuesday, September 19th, the Organization will be sending out a specialized team, which is comprised by trained professionals and specialized vehicles, in order to distribute 7 tons of essential supplies (food supplies, water bottles, isotonic drinks, cleaning supplies, medical and medicinal expendable supplies, mosquito repellents, cot beds, mattresses, equipment and tools, car batteries, animal food, etc.), to the flood-stricken areas of Thessaly, along with other certified organizations and competent bodies.
    One of our targeted actions will be the temporary establishment of soup kitchens in various parts of the wider region of Thessaly, where 500 fresh meals will be daily prepared by professionals, in order to be immediately delivered to the affected citizens!
    We have already made the necessary preparations!
    We keep on fighting for a better world!
    Only by joining forces, will we achieve the impossible!

  • 17-09-2023

    Preparations for the 6th Emergency Aid Mission!

    After a thorough investigation and numerous conversations with the competent bodies, the organizations, the volunteers and the rescue teams that are operating in the wider area of Thessaly, we got informed about the needs that have surfaced and the ways in which we could alleviate and support the flood-stricken citizens and the animals.
    In just two days’ time, we procured all the essential supplies, the proper equipment and the medical and medicinal expendable supplies, on our own resources, in order to distribute them to the affected citizens. Once more, Lidl Hellas stands by our charity work and our fellow citizens, offering 3 tons of essential supplies to our emergency aid mission.
    On Tuesday, September 19th, the Organization will be sending out a specialized team, which consists of trained professionals and specialized vehicles, in order to distribute 7 tons of essential supplies (food supplies, water bottles, isotonic drinks, cleaning supplies, medical and medicinal expendable supplies, mosquito repellents, cot beds, mattresses, equipment and tools, car batteries, animal food, etc.), to the flood-stricken areas of Thessaly, always in collaboration with other certified organizations and competent bodies.
    One of the many targeted actions of our aid mission to the affected areas, is the temporary establishment of soup kitchens in various parts of the wider region of Thessaly, where 500 fresh meals will be daily prepared by professionals, in order to be immediately delivered to our flood-stricken fellow citizens!
    The aid mission will be carried out after an initiative of our Organization, and in collaboration with the Association of Historic Military Vehicles, the Mediterra Institute and the Select Group of Special Operations of the municipality of Thessaloniki, who we kindly thank for their heart-warming response and excellent collaboration!
    The preparations will be completed by tomorrow, while on Tuesday we will be by our fellow citizens’ side!
    We keep on fighting in order to create a better word! Only by joining forces, will we be able to pull through!

    [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”MHnFcoJv-cE” ]

  • 18-09-2023

    We are counting backwards for our departure for our Emergency Aid Mission in Thessaly!

    We are counting backwards for our departure for our Emergency Aid Mission in Thessaly!
    All the essential supplies have been procured, all the vehicles have been loaded, and in 6 p.m tomorrow, we will be departing for Thessaly!
    Ιn collaboration with the competent bodies, the organizations, the volunteers and the rescue teams who are already stationed in the wider area of Thessaly, we will proceed according to their instructions, in order to offer a sense of relief to the affected citizens and animals.
    A specialized team of the Act of Kindness organization, which consists of trained professionals, rescuers and specialized vehicles, will travel to the flood-stricken areas of Thessaly in order to distribute 7 tons of supplies (food supplies, water bottles, isotonic drinks, cleaning supplies, medical and medicinal expendable supplies, mosquito repellents, cot beds, mattresses, equipment and tools, car batteries, animal food, etc.).
    Once more, Lidl Hellas stands by our charity work and our fellow citizens, by offering 3 tons of essential supplies to our emergency aid mission. The rest of the supplies were procured from our own resources. One of the targeted actions of our aid mission to the affected areas is the establishment of soup kitchens at various areas of Thessaly, where more than 500 freshly cooked meals will be daily prepared by professional cooks, in order to be delivered to our flood-stricken, fellow citizens!
    Our Emergency Humanitarian Mission in Thessaly, is carried out after an initiative of the Act of Kindness organization, in collaboration with the Association of Historic Military Vehicles, the Mediterra Institute and the Select Group of Special Operations of Thessaloniki, who we kindly thank for their positive response and excellent collaboration!
    By tomorrow, we will be joining our fellow citizens in need!
    We proceed with our efforts, aiming to create a better world! Only by joining forces, will we be able to pull through!





  • 19-09-2023

    The 6th consecutive Emergency Aid Mission of the Act of Kindness organization, whose final destination this time is Thessaly and the areas affected by the catastrophic floods, has just departed!

    On Monday, September 18th, after gathering all the essential supplies (7 tons) in our facilities, in collaboration with the Association of Historic Military Vehicles who provided us with 3 military vehicles, we loaded the vehicles and this morning, on September 18th, our specialized team departed for the region of Thessaly.
    The aid mission is carried out after an initiative of our Organization, and in collaboration with the Association of Historic Military Vehicles, the Mediterra Institute and the Select Group of Special Operations of the municipality of Thessaloniki, who we kindly thank for their heart-warming response and excellent collaboration!
    We keep on fighting in order to create a better world! Only by joining forces will we be able to pull through!

    [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”wML79n42_Ps” ]

  • 20-09-2023

    The first day of our Emergency Aid Mission in Thessaly has been successfully completed.

    The first day of our Emergency Aid Mission in Thessaly has been successfully completed, since thanks to the collaboration of the mayor and deputy mayor of the municipality of Palama, and the regional unit of Thessaly, we got permission to station our vehicles at the municipality’s central square.
    We will be stationed there for the next few days, in order to daily offer meals to the residents, in collaboration with the Association of Historic Military Vehicles, while we will be distributing essential supplies in collaboration with the Select Group of Special Operations of Greece.
    During our arrival at the village of Palama, we met with the presidential candidate of the Coalition of the Radical Left – Progressive Alliance, Mr. Kaselakis Stefanos, with whom we discussed the solidarity that our society has been demonstrating in order to support the affected citizens.
    We proceed with our mission, supporting in action those who need us through these hard times! Only by joining forces, will we be able to pull through!

    [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”P158M_Cvp7s” ]

  • 21-09-2023

    Second day of our Emergency Humanitarian Mission in Thessaly

    Second day of our Emergency Humanitarian Mission in Thessaly, and more specifically in the municipality of Palama, where we offered our fellow citizens freshly cooked meals, in collaboration with the Association of Historic Military Vehicles.
    At the same time, we used our own vehicles in order to perform an inspection of the surrounding areas, where we distributed essential supplies to the residents, who are facing crucial problems. We offered them food, medical, medicinal and cleaning supplies, as well as shovels, brooms and hoes.
    On the same day, we visited the operations center of the regional unit of Thessaly, which is based in the city of Larisa, in order to offer part of our supplies to them as well.
    We proceed with our mission, for the 3rd day, supporting in action those who need us! Only by joining forces, will we be able to win this battle!
    You too can become a part of this aid mission, by helping all these people who are in need.
    Enter our website and support our aid campaign, dedicated to the flood-stricken areas of our country.

    [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”TVH1yW-yR2E” ]

  • 22-09-2023

    Our Emergency Humanitarian Mission in Thessaly, which was carried out after an initiative of Act of Kindness, in collaboration with the Association of Historic Military Vehicles, the Mediterra Institute and the Select Group of Special Operations of Greece, was completed today.

    A specialized team of the Act of Kindness organization, which consisted of trained professionals and specialized vehicles, traveled to the flood-stricken areas of Thessaly and distributed, after thorough investigation, 7 tons of supplies (food supplies, water bottles, isotonic drinks, cleaning supplies, medical and medicinal expendable supplies, mosquito repellents, cot beds, mattresses, equipment and tools, car batteries, animal food, etc.).
    Once more, Lidl Hellas stood by our charity work and our fellow citizens, by offering 3 tons of essential supplies to our emergency aid mission.
    The rest of the supplies were procured from our own resources. One of the many targeted actions of our aid mission to the affected areas was the establishment of a soup kitchen at the municipality of Palama, where fresh meals were daily prepared by professional cooks. Thanks to the Association of Historic Military Vehicles, we managed to offer in total, more than 1.500 meals, while we have also made deliveries of essential supplies to the homes of our flood-stricken fellow citizens and animals of the wider area of Palamas, who are facing an uphill struggle, in collaboration with the Select Group of Special Operations of Greece. We provided them with food, medical, medicinal and cleaning supplies, as well as shovels, brooms and hoes. The rest of the essential supplies were delivered to the chief of the fire department of Thessaly. We also visited the operation center of the regional unit of Thessaly, which is stationed in the city of Larisa, in order to deliver a part of our supplies.
    We would like to kindly thank the president of the Association of Historic Military Vehicles, Mr. Georgios Iliadis, Mr. Stergios Strakas, Mr. Alexandros Mpairakaris, as well as the rest of the members, Mr. Apostolos Tzikas, the president of the Mediterra Institute, Mr. Nikolas Grammenos, the president of the Select Group of Special Operations, Mr. Miltiadis Mpenakis, Mr. Giannis Garlemos and Mr. Kostas Ouzounis, for their collaboration, as well as their defining contribution and their selfless offer during the preparations, as well as throughout this challenging mission.
    Always with respect and sincere consideration, we remain at their disposal, while we are bound to stand by their side for as long as needed.
    We keep on going, supporting in action our fellow citizens in need!
    Only by joining forces, will we be able to achieve the impossible!


  • 23-09-2023

    On the third day of our Emergency Humanitarian Mission in Thessaly, we got a visit from Mr. Makis Triantafillopoulos

    On the third day of our Emergency Humanitarian Mission in Thessaly, we got a visit from Mr. Makis Triantafillopoulos, who joined us in our itinerary through the wider area of the municipality of Palama. An itinerary targeted in supporting our fellow citizens. In collaboration with the Association of Historic Military Vehicles, we offered fresh cooked meals, while we also distributed, on our own resources, essential supplies to the residents and the animals who live in the area and who are facing an uphill struggle. We provided food, medical, medicinal and cleaning supplies, as well as shovels, brooms and hoes.
    We keep on supporting in action our fellow citizens in need!
    Only by joining forces, will we be able to achieve the impossible!

    [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”HAUCZSHhvoM” ]


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