Σύντομη Περιγραφή

Little Vasiliki needs a four-legged assistant. She needs a “guardian angel”!

This four-year-old girl, Vasiliki-Nektaria Kralli, has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum.

She has been manifesting symptoms of severe developmental disorder, communication disorder and she is exhibiting an extremely aggressive behavior towards her family but also towards herself.

The story of Vasiliki

από Steve Tsomp

  • 10.000,00 

  • 10.000,00 

  • Target Goal

Ποσοστό :
The campaign is successful.

Steve Tsomp

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

The story of Vasiliki

Little Vasiliki needs a four-legged assistant. She needs a “guardian angel”!

This four-year-old girl, Vasiliki-Nektaria Kralli, has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum.

She has been manifesting symptoms of severe developmental disorder, communication disorder and she is exhibiting an extremely aggressive behavior towards her family but also towards herself.

After doing everything in their power in order to ease her aggressive behavior, the experts who have been treating her, suggested that the best option for this little girl were an Autism Assistance Dog. An Autism Assistance Dog can sense the child’s mood swings and is trained to provide comfort during meltdowns so that crisis are avoided. 

Takis Petropoulos, dog trainer and owner of “Friends for Life Service Dogs” will be in charge of the training of the Autism Assistance Dog, which will be by this little girl’s side in all circumstances . This dog will help her manage her emotions and tantrums and will prevent destructive and self-destructive behavior that constitutes a serious danger for her health. 

The cost of training the Autism Assistance Dog amounts to 10,000 euros, a sum that the family simply cannot afford without our help. 

Let us all provide this little girl with a better quality of life!

Let us all offer her a “guardian angel”.



  • 12-01-2022

    Together we’ve made it happen!

    Thanks to all of your support and the defining mobilization of the Municipality of Korydallos, we have managed to gather 10,000 euros, the sum that was required in order to provide Vasiliki with a long-life companion, an Autism Assistance Dog.
    This four-year-old girl, Vasiliki-Nektaria Kralli, has been diagnosed on the autism spectrum and she has been manifesting symptoms of severe developmental and communication disorder. Furthermore, she has been exhibiting an extremely aggressive and self-destructive behavior, to the point where she often harmed herself.
    Laughter, hugging and playing, things which are taken for granted for most people, constitute a struggle for this little girl, since she in unable to express her emotions. The use of the Autism Assistance Dog, which has shown great results for children with similar issues, will help Vasiliki in order to express the positive aspect of her emotions, to socialize, to quit her self-destructive tendencies and potential tantrums.
    Takis Petropoulos, the specialized dog trainer and owner of “Friends for Life Service Dogs” will be in charge of training the new-born dog, which will become Vasiliki’s long-life companion, offering her a life filled with joy and positive feelings.
    We would like to kindly thank the Mayor of the Municipality of Korydallos, Mr. Nikos Hoursalas, for his active participation in this campaign. We would also like to thank all of you for giving this child the chance to express herself, to hug, to laugh.
    Once more, the power of love and solidarity has proven that anything is possible!
    We thank you form the bottom of our heart, for joining us all of these years to this journey of solidarity and humanity. Together, we will keep on offering a better life to children who need our help!


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