Σύντομη Περιγραφή

After numerous surgical operations and treatments in Greece, but also abroad, and after battling cancer since the age of 10, Ilias is being once again confined to a bed due to the severity of his quadriplegia. His only hope to get his life back is to be immediately subjected to an intensive home-based physiotherapy program that will help him get back on his feet!

Mission accomplished! 21-year-old Ilias, who became quadriplegic after battling cancer, will be finally subjected to an intensive rehabilitation plan!

από Steve Tsomp

  • 51.820,00 

  • 51.888,63 

  • Target Goal

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The campaign is successful.

Steve Tsomp

97 Εκστρατείες | 0 Loved campaigns

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

Ilias was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer (stage 4 pontine glioblastoma multiforme) when he was just 10 years old. After years of fighting cancer, he had finally won the battle. However, upon reaching the age of 18, and while his cancer was in remission, the doctors discovered a malignant tumor in his spine. After a series of various treatments and surgical operations in Greece, but also abroad, Ilias became quadriplegic. Today, this young man remains confined to a bed, while at the same time, is fighting to survive cancer. His only hope to get his life back is to be immediately subjected to an intensive home-based physiotherapy program that will help him get back on his feet! However, his family cannot longer afford the cost of his treatments. Let us all support this young hero’s struggle! Let us all offer a ray of hope to him and his family!

You can help by the following ways: 

By entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe)  

-by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: “For Ilias

  • Piraeus Bank 

          Account number: 5222091702771

          IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


  • National Bank

          Account number: 21000630539

          IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


  • Alpha Bank

          Account number: 701002002030506

          IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS 


by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this campaign’s unique RF payment RF91917199126712671267126 .

Send a text message to 19825. The message must read: “For Ilias” (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)

*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece. 






  • 22-03-2022

    Ilias’ mother is making a touching public appeal for her son, who has suffered quadriplegia, after battling with cancer.

    After 11 years of fighting cancer, the 21-year-old man is being confined to a bed due to a severe case of quadriplegia. All of these years, his mother has dedicated her life to her son’s recovery, standing by his side throughout this ordeal. The irony of the matter is the fact that she was recently diagnosed with renal cancer. She underwent surgery; however she has developed severe heart problems that could put her life at serious risk.
    “Ilias has been fighting cancer ever since he was 10 years old. Before that, he was totally healthy. He had developed a brain tumor and the doctors in Greece kept telling us that there was no hope. That is when we decided to go to Germany. The surgery was successful; however there were some complications and Ilias became quadriplegic. After numerous rounds of chemotherapy and physiotherapy sessions, our boy was finally cured. He graduated school and he was even admitted to the School of Early Childhood Education so that he could follow his dreams and become a teacher! A few years later, he had to fight cancer once more. The doctors discovered a highly aggressive tumor in his spine. After the diagnosis, we went to Germany where he underwent surgery. The surgery was successful; however Ilias still had a long way to go. I should also mention that the second tumor isn’t related to the original cancer. How lucky are we! After the surgery, we returned to Greece and since then, we have visited many rehabilitation centers. However, the cost of his treatments is unbearable. We have sold everything we own so that our child could receive the best health care. Today, he is finally exhibiting signs of improvement, however, we, as his parents, cannot afford the cost of his physiotherapy sessions. We even struggle just to get by. The good news is that his cancer is in remission. I, his mother, have never left his side. I sleep beside him, on a chair. I only left him when I had surgery 4 months ago, due to a renal malignant tumor. I underwent partial nephrectomy of the right kidney. My tests also revealed an aortic aneurysm of 4.6 cm that could be fatal. The doctors won’t even let me lift 2 kilos. However, my boy needs help. He needs to be bathed and fed and I can no longer do that. This is why we need one nurse and two physiotherapists on daily basis. Me and my son, live in a 30 square meter apartment. Thing are tuff, but I know that we will defeat the monster called cancer and that my son will walk again and that he will manage to fulfil his dream of becoming a teacher.”
    Together, we can help so that Ilias’ daily ordeal comes to an end!

  • 27-06-2022

    Together, we keep on fighting for 21-year-old Ilias, who became quadriplegic after battling cancer!

    This young fighter hasn’t given up hope, while he is still going after his dreams. Thanks to all of your help, we have given Ilias the chance to an intensive, home-based rehabilitation plan and for the last 4 months he is daily receiving the care that he needs, including nursing care. We will do everything in our power in order to raise the amount required for his rehabilitation treatments, so that he can get back on his feet and get his life back!

  • 11-07-2022

    Mission accomplished! 21-year-old Ilias, who became quadriplegic after battling cancer, will be finally subjected to an intensive rehabilitation plan!

    Thanks to the immediate response of thousands of people from Greece, but also abroad, we have managed to gather the required amount, so that Ilias will not only proceed with his daily physiotherapy sessions, but he will also acquire the medical equipment he needs, so that he can have a better quality of life! Ilias has fought cancer 2 times. Even though he managed to beat it, he remained confined to a wheelchair. Thanks to the aid campaign we organized on his behalf, for the past 4 months he is receiving an intensive home-based physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy program, combined with nursing care that will help him regain his motor skills, walk again and go after his dreams! So far, he has made great progress, therefore his family wants him to proceed with his treatments in a specialized rehabilitation center, where he will not only be subjected to physiotherapy exercises that will strengthen his muscular system, but he will also be daily subjected to swimming therapy, which is highly recommended in cases like his. Thanks to all of your help, their wish is going to come true. Ilias will be soon admitted to the rehabilitation center, while we have already settled the cost of his hospitalization for 5 whole months!
    Dear Ilias, hang in there and keep on fighting! Just remember you’re not alone, as our thoughts and prayers are always with you! So far, you have fought hard and we know you’ll make it!

  • 15-09-2022

    Update regarding Ilias’ condition!

    Even though Ilias has beat cancer 2 times, he eventually became quadriplegic, confined to a wheelchair. However, thanks to the contribution and support of thousands of people from Greece, but also from abroad, Ilias has been receiving for the past 6 months, the required care that will offer him the change to stand on his own and go after his dreams. When we first visited the family, we were overwhelmed by what they were going through, unable to provide their son with the therapies and medical equipment that were essential for his recovery.
    During these past six months, we have managed to:
    -provide home-based nursing care around the clock.
    -provide intensive, home-based physiotherapy sessions, which are necessary in order to strengthen his muscles and stand on his own.
    -purchase all the medical expendable supplies and orthopedic equipment, which are essential for his course of treatment.
    -settle his medical bills that have accumulated over time.
    Ilias’ condition is gradually improving, while the physicians who are treating him, strongly believe that there is a good change he recovers. In order to ensure better results, Ilias has been transferred, just a week ago, to a rehabilitation center, where he is being subjected to an intensive treatment plan that includes aquatherapy and kinesiotherapy, with the use of specialized devices that will ensure a faster recovery. Unfortunately, Ilias’ health insurance won’t cover any of these expenses. However, thanks to your contribution, Ilias will be able to remain at the rehabilitation center for a total of 2 months, since we have managed to gather the cost of this two-month stay, which amounts to 15,000 euros. We hope that the treatments will be successful and that we’ll soon hear good news regarding his condition.
    Ilias’ mother is opening her heart, while giving us this beautiful speech:
    “After your genuine concern and your prayers for my boy, I’m sure that everything will be all right. Today, my son is being treated at a rehabilitation center, working really hard to recover, thanks to the specialized medical staff and medical equipment, but most of all, thanks to your contribution and support! You helped my child spread his wings, giving him a chance to stand on his own, which is his biggest dream! Ilias and I are forever grateful and we wish you all, a life full of HEALTH!”


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