Σύντομη Περιγραφή

Together, we keep on fighting in order to save Ioanna’s life!

Ioanna is a one and a half year old girl, who has been diagnosed with Down syndrome and complex congenital heart defect, a condition that puts too much strain on her heart and lungs. It’s imperative that she immediately undergoes surgery, since any delay could be fatal! 


The story of Ioanna

από Steve Tsomp

  • 10.000,00 

  • 9.998,00 

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Steve Tsomp

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Πληροφορίες Εκστρατείας

Together, we keep on fighting in order to save Ioanna’s life!

Ioanna is a one and a half year old girl, who has been diagnosed with Down syndrome and complex congenital heart defect, a condition that puts too much strain on her heart and lungs. It’s imperative that she immediately undergoes surgery, since any delay could be fatal! 

The operation must be performed in a specialized cardiology clinic. However, the cost for the operation, hospitalization and postoperative recovery, amounts to 10,000 euros, a sum that the family simply cannot afford without our help. 

Let us all contribute in order to save this little girl’s life! 

Together, we can offer her a strong and healthy heart!

  • 21-01-2022

    Together, we’ve made it happen!

    We have finally managed to raise the sum that was required for little Ioanna’s heart surgery!
    Ioanna is a two-year-old girl, who suffers from a complex congenital heart defect and must be immediately subjected to a heart surgery in a private specialized cardiology clinic.
    Once more, we have joined forces and we have managed to gather 10, 000 euros, the required sum for this little girl’s surgery, hospitalization and post-op recovery.
    The surgery has been already scheduled and Ioanna will be shortly hospitalized in order to undergo the mandatory pre-op tests.
    Our thought and prayers go out to this little girl, who is now facing the biggest challenge of her life. We look forward to a positive outcome. As soon as we have some new information, we will share it with all of you.
    On behalf of her family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your defining contribution, since none of this would be feasible without your help. Together, we have managed the impossible; to save a child’s life!

  • 21-02-2022

    Positive outcome regarding little Ioanna’s ordeal

    We are so happy and moved to hear that Ioanna’s heart surgery was a 100% successful. The attending doctors are amazed by this little fighter’s post-op recovery, who was recently subjected to an extremely complicated surgical procedure. The little girl was diagnosed with a life- threatening, rare case of pulmonary artery stenosis. However, thanks to your immediate support, the surgery took place without wasting any precious time. The little girl had to remain hospitalized a little more than anticipated, so that the doctors could make sure there weren’t any complications and that she would receive the best possible care. This two-year-old girl had to face the biggest challenge of her life and today, she is safely returning home to her loving family. Her sweet and innocent smile is our reward!

    The mother’s statement:

    “We are so happy and so moved that everything went well! We were extremely worried, but we had faith! My baby has been suffering for so long and we just couldn’t wait for all of this to be over. We are so grateful to all these people who showed their support. We are so grateful to the Act of Kindness organization that stood by us since day one and provided us with everything we needed, without wasting any valuable time.  They were there for us every step of the way! They took care of everything. Medical tests, surgery, doctors, tickets, accommodation… I have no words to describe how grateful I am. But most of all, I was impressed by their humane approach was towards us. They genuinely cared for us. I really cannot imagine what the situation would be like if we haven’t contacted them. We just want to thank everybody from the bottom of our heart for helping out our family”.

    We will stand by this family for as long as needed and we will keep you updated regarding the course of her health. We kindly thank all of you for your sensitivity and your immediate support. Thanks to you, we managed once more to save a child’s life.


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