Κατηγορία: Χωρίς κατηγορία - Σελίδα 2 - Πράξη Αγάπης
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Δορυλαίου 66, Κάτω Τούμπα
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα

Κατηγορία: Χωρίς κατηγορία

Χωρίς κατηγορία

We are extremely sorry to say goodbye to Dimitris, the 58-year-old father who passed away so suddenly.

About a year ago, Dimitris suffered a severe head injury, which led to serious craniocerebral injuries. Dimitris was then long-term hospitalized in the ICU, while he was also subjected to numerous brain surgeries, as well as a cranioplasty. According to the doctors who were treating him, it was imperative that he were hospitalized in the high intensity care unit of a rehabilitation center for a minimum of 6 months, so that he could regain his motor skills and at the same time, receive medical care for the underlying conditions he was facing.
Thanks to your defining contribution, Dimitris got hospitalized in the rehabilitation center, and even though his motor skills were showing improvement, Dimitris passed away since his health condition was already burdened.
We would like to express our sincere condolences to his family, who lost their loved one so unexpectedly. We will stand by their side for as long as needed.
Farewell, our beloved Dimitris!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Mission accomplished! Together, we have managed to cover the urgent needs of Orestis’ family, for the duration of his treatments!

15-year-old Orestis has been diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma stage IIIB, a type of lymphatic cancer that destroys the immune system. His family has been facing severe financial hardship, since their daily expenses combined with the expenses that have surfaced due to Orestis’ health condition, have brought the family to a dead end, while the mother had to quit her job in order to dedicate herself to her son’s care.
However, thanks to your defining contribution, we have managed to cover the urgent needs of Orestis’ family, for as long as he will be away from home!
Orestis has recently completed his fourth chemo round, while he will be spending the next few days in the warmth and comfort of his home, until he goes back to the hospital in order to be subjected to the next chemo round.
On behalf of his family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your defining support. We will keep on standing by this family’s side for everything they might need. Orestis is a true fighter and we are confident that he will soon win this battle and return home for good!
See Orestes’ campaign here: https://act-of-kindness.org/donation/support-orestis/

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Olga is hospitalized in critical condition after a brutal beating and needs us all by her side!

New update on the course of her health! Olga, 41, was brutally beaten by her ex-partner last January, resulting in severe head injuries and being transferred to a comatose state in a public hospital. Despite the ominous predictions, Olga did not give up! With the decisive contribution of the doctors and after multiple surgeries, he managed to keep himself alive. However, the brain injuries he suffered had caused a temporary loss of speech, while he was unable to move and care for himself. Thanks to the immediate intervention of our Organization and the decisive participation of all of you, Olga has been in a rehabilitation center for 1.5 months now where she receives all the necessary care with her state of health making great progress. Olga began to say some words and respond much better to the suggestions of the therapists. She has begun to move her limbs and in combination with the splint we procured, she performs intensive muscle strengthening exercises so that she can stand and take some steps. The competent therapists are very optimistic about Olga’s development and prognosis and from her image it seems that day by day she is making a spectacular improvement. Her stay in the rehabilitation center where she is located is considered absolutely necessary, in order for Olga to be able to complete the necessary treatment program that will help her regain her lost abilities and get back on her feet! Time froze for 41-year-old Olga, 9 months ago, in the most unfair way! And only if we all unite together can we offer her a new chance in life! Come today and fight with her, so that she can win back the future she deserves!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

New update on the health of Orestes battling cancer! We continue our fight to support the family!

Orestis continues his daily struggle, as he recently completed the fourth cycle of his chemotherapy treatments, which although painful we hope will bring positive results. This week is the week of recovery and Orestes and his mother returned home for a few days until he started the next cycle of chemotherapy. Orestes had a great longing to see his house, his room, his brothers and to get strength to continue!
The 15-year-old Orestes was diagnosed 3 months ago with stage IIIB Hodgkin’s lymphoma, a serious disease of the lymphatic system, progressing into immune cancer. Orestes’ struggle is predicted to be long and his mother will be constantly by his side for as long as the needs of his treatments require. The support of all of us is necessary for Orestes’ mother to be able to cope with the maintenance costs of their family for as long as they will have to stay away from their place without work. Orestes has 3 siblings who have been left behind. Frequent trips to and from Athens, food expenses, consumable medical care materials and frequent diagnostic tests burden the family daily. Thanks to the valuable participation of all of us, a large part of the above needs were secured. We continue our fight to ensure all the necessary expenses for the entire period of his treatments!
All together we can help Orestes and his family to stand on their feet during this difficult time! Let’s make their fight easier with a little move!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Mission accomplished! Christos will be able to proceed with his treatments!

Thanks to your immediate response, we have managed, in just a few days, to gather the funds that are required for Christos’ home-based treatments for a period of one whole year! Christos’ life was shuttered 4 years ago, when he got struck by lightning during training. Even though the doctors managed to save his life, he lost a great part of his skull. Ever since that happened, the 19-year-old young man has been confined to a bed, unable to speak, move his extremities or communicate with his loved ones. All of these years, Christos is being subjected to a home-based physiotherapy and speech therapy treatment plan, which is necessary for his overall health condition. However, his family is now in a dead-end and is unable to cope with the unbearable cost of his treatments. Thanks to your defining support though, we have managed to gather the required funds, so that Christos will be able to proceed with his treatments for a period of one whole year!
On behalf of his family, we would like to kindly thank all of you, who stood by a young man who is suffering. Christos will keep on fighting for his life with dignity, while we wish from the bottom of our heart that he will soon show signs of improvement. We on our hand will stand by this family’s side for everything they might need!
See Christos’ campaign here: https://act-of-kindness.org/el/donation/support-christos/

Χωρίς κατηγορία

All together for Antonis! He needs an extra leg after his amputation!

The 36-year-old Antonis, athlete and father of 2 minor children, recently suffered a severe car accident with his motorcycle resulting in his instant amputation and loss of his right leg. He recently underwent new hip surgery and at the same time undergoes a daily home physiotherapy program to restore the left leg, which also suffered a crushing fracture. In order to be able to get back on his feet and get his life back, he needs an additional member of appropriate specifications that will provide him with a functional daily life. The total cost of the foot amounts to 52,650 euros and only if we unite can we secure it! All together we can secure the extra leg that will give him the opportunity to regain his strength and walk again! Antonis must stand up for his two children, for his family, for his dreams!

εικονα 6
Χωρίς κατηγορία

We continue the fight for Reno who was left quadriplegic after a fall! New update on the course of his health.

Renos’ daily life is a real Calvary all these months when he struggles to regain his lost abilities, after suffering a serious injury to the cervical spine. The 28-year-old young man is hospitalized in a public rehabilitation center in Patras, receiving an intensive treatment program. Thanks to our immediate intervention and the valuable contribution of all of you, the electric wheelchair was purchased that helps him move and feel independent, which significantly improved his psychology. The tracheostomy has been removed and Renos has excellent consciousness and perception. However, he is unable to move his limbs and remains confined to bed and wheelchair. The days are approaching when he will have to be transferred to home care and this fact requires the appropriate medical care and an intensive treatment program immediately after going home. Any delay or omission can be fatal for the development of Renos’ health and rehabilitation and go back all this effort he has made to date and continues!
Let’s all go together to ensure all his treatments for the whole year, as well as the medical equipment that will provide him with the necessary conditions of care and care.
A young man has come face to face with the toughest face of life and needs the support of all of us. He has all his life ahead of him and he has to win it back!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

We achieved the goal! Dimitra immediately goes in for heart surgery!

In just a few days, all together we managed to get a young woman out of the impasse, when her tests showed that it is vital to have immediate heart surgery, in a specialized cardiology hospital in Athens. People from the local community where Dimitra lives contacted us so that we could help find a solution and immediately collect the required amount for the emergency intervention. The mobilization of all of you was extremely moving and in just 4 days we made Dimitra’s agony a thing of the past, as we gave her the opportunity to undergo as soon as possible the surgery that will save her heart. So Dimitra is now in the hands of the specialized doctors who will do their best to return healthy to her family and her underage children, who are looking forward to her!
Thank you very much for the practical support of all of you! In particular, we would like to thank the people from the Cultural Association of Pefkotos, P. Ioannis Papantonis, who with extreme sensitivity embraced the problem faced by Dimitra and contributed decisively to the mobilization of the people to support this whole effort!
The extra amount collected in Dimitra’s campaign will be used for all the necessary care and medical care she will need during her postoperative rehabilitation and recovery.
Dimitra we send you our wishes and all our positive energy! May everything go according to plan and you can return home healthy!
See Dimitra’s campaign here: https://act-of-kindness.org /donation/support-dimitra/

Χωρίς κατηγορία

In just a few days, we solved a problem of months! We achieved the goal for George Papageorgopoulos!

The mobilization of all of you for the young lad from Trikala, who recently lost his mother, was extremely moving. In just a few days, we got this child out of the impasse he had been in for months, unable to repay the rents of his house that had remained unpaid during the time his mother was facing serious health problems. We proceed immediately to the direct repayment of rents to the lessors, as well as to the direct payment of the outstanding bills. As we have mentioned before, George suffers from type 1 diabetes mellitus, with a disability rate of 50%, however he is called upon to support himself and fights hard for it! By working in a public benefit program in which he joined, we hope that he will be able to secure everything he needs from now on for his smooth living.
George is no longer in danger of being left out of the house, thanks to the immediate mobilization of all of us! He continues with strength and optimism the course of his life starting a new beginning from today!
Thank you very much on behalf of George for the valuable support of all of you!
Because together we are stronger!

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