Κατηγορία: Εκστρατείες - Σελίδα 2 - Πράξη Αγάπης
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Δορυλαίου 66, Κάτω Τούμπα
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα

Κατηγορία: Εκστρατείες


The story of Christos-Rafael who got his sight back!

Christos-Rafael, our little friend from Athens, was just 2 months old when he had to face the biggest challenge of his life. One day, while being in his mother’s arms, his right eye became blurry. She immediately rushed him to the emergency room of a public hospital, where he was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma, a rare condition that causes total corneal opacity. As days went by, his left eye became blurry as well and he could no longer see. The attending doctors recommended the use of eye drops that would help reduce the eye pressure and help the blurring subside, however none of the medicinal treatments showed any results. The little boy had to be immediately subjected to a surgical procedure, since any delay could cause permanent sight loss. Even though his condition was urgent, his parents had to wait for quite some time before their child was admitted to the public hospital. Finally, the little baby was admitted and he was subjected to two consecutive surgeries; however the results were not satisfying, since nor the eye pressure or the corneal opacity would subside.
Christos Rafael’s parents came to a dead end, since the attending doctors were not optimistic about his condition. Their only hope was to find a surgeon specialized in the field of childhood glaucoma, who would be able to restore their baby’s eyesight. Desperate for help, the parents came in contact with us in order to receive help.
We immediately paid a visit to the family, assuring them that we would stand by their side throughout this ordeal and that we would do everything in our power so that their son would have sight back. Their wish came true thanks to Dr. Nikolaos Kozeis, the prominent eye surgeon and director of the Pediatric Eye Center of Greece. After evaluating the severity of this case, he offered to perform the surgery along with his medical team, pro-bono, using the most modern and specialized methods. However, the parents needed to come up with a way to pay the rest of the expenses. Without wasting any time, we immediately organized a campaign and within a few days we managed to raise the sum that was required for the baby’s hospitalization. We also booked their tickets and we rented a house where the family stayed until their son was discharged. Furthermore, we settled the family’s debts that were accumulated during their child’s hospitalization. We escorted the little guy to the clinic, where the doctors ran all the necessary tests. We stood by this family throughout this ordeal, providing them with moral and psychological support. The surgery was successful and soon after, his condition began to show improvement. A few days later, he underwent an additional surgical procedure, while he kept on receiving his prescribed medication.
Within just a few days, a miracle happened! The opacity began to subsite and the baby got his sight back! He is so excited to be able to see again and we are extremely moved that this little hero managed to win this battle, waiting so patiently to get his sight back. Things that are taken for granted for most people, for others constitute the greatest gift. By performing once again an act of kindness, we managed to make a little child smile!

View Christos-Rafael’s campaign

Christos-Rafael is a 4 month-old baby who has recently been diagnosed with congenital glaucoma in both his eyes. This rare condition requires surgery. If not treated, the boy could suffer permanent sight loss. So far the little baby has been subjected to 2 consecutives surgeries at a public hospital in Greece.
The baby’s medical records have been thoroughly evaluated by the organization’s pediatrician, Mrs. Noula Paraskevi.
Talking into consideration the severity of his condition, his family got in touch with the Pediatric Eye Center of Greece, which is situated in Thessaloniki, so that their child can undergo a final surgery which has very promising results. The eye surgeon and director of the Center, Dr. Nikolaos Kozeis, along with his medical team have immediately agreed to perform the additional required surgery, pro-bono. However, the parents cannot afford the rest of the expenses, such as the hospitalization cost and their stay in Thessaloniki.
Let us all contribute so that Christos-Rafael can get his sight back!
Any contribution, big or small, can make a difference!

Update 13.09.2021

Thanks to your support and your immediate response, Christos-Rafael underwent the operation on both his eyes. The surgery was successful, while the post-operation review indicated that the blurring has subsided. However, the outcome of the surgery will be determined by his response to the medical treatment that he will be receiving for a long period of time. Thanks to your defining contribution, Christos-Rafael and his family managed to stay in Thessaloniki during the surgery and the post-op procedures. They have now returned home, where this brave little baby will proceed with the necessary treatments. 

The director of the Pediatric Eye Center of Greece, Dr. Nikolaos Kozeis, along with his medical team, who has performed this surgery pro-bono, will keep on monitoring the boy’s recovery.  

We would like to express our gratitude to the surgeon and his team for their sensitivity and sense of altruism.

On behalf of the family, we would like to thank all of you for your touching support, since thanks to you we have managed to provide this little fighter with a better quality of life!   

The “Act of Kindness” organization will stand by this family for as long as needed.  

We will keep you updated.

Update 2.3.2022

Our beloved little guy has grown up and just before his first birthday, he got to see the world with his own eyes! Thanks to our prompt response and your defining contribution, Christos-Rafael got the chance to fight his rare eye condition – congenital glaucoma – and to get his sight back. We have just received the most priceless gift from this baby boy and his mother and we feel so moved and so proud for this little guy! We will keep on standing by this little hero and his family!


The story of Vasilis

On October 25 of 2020, little Vasilis, who was 6 months old at the time, was rushed to the hospital after manifesting high fever and ear swelling. The little boy had been hospitalized there for 3 weeks, while the attending physicians were trying to understand what was causing the high fever. Since the doctors couldn’t make a diagnosis, he was transferred to “Agia Sofia” Children’s Hospital in order to undergo a series of tests. The results indicated that the little boy suffered from a rare form of chronic granulomatous disease, which requires a bone marrow transplant. Crushed by this unforeseen situation, his family is struggling to support him in any way possible. In the midst of the pandemic, they have to constantly travel back and forth, in order to care for their baby who he is being hospitalized in Athens. Vasilis still has a long way to go, since according to medical data, he suffers from an extremely rare form of this disease and the medical treatments in order for this child to survive are very expensive.
Let us all stand by this family throughout this ordeal and pray so that little Vasilis returns home as soon as possible!

Update 29.01.2021

After a long-term hospitalization, Vasilis got discharged from the hospital, where was diagnosed with a rare form of chronic granulomatous disease, which requires a bone marrow transplant. All this time, he was subjected to all the necessary treatments, while being closely monitored by the medical and nursing stuff. When his condition got stabilized, the attending doctors recommended that he should return home, until a compatible bone marrow donor was found. Following doctor’s orders, the little guy returned home, where he now receives his treatments in a fully sterilized environment. He has managed to gain some weight and he frequently visits the hospital in order to be subjected to the necessary tests. His father and little sister are taking good care of him and thanks to your defining contribution they have managed to overcome their daily struggles. 

But the problems of this family don’t stop here. While the baby was struggling to stay alive, the mother suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the UCI of the University Hospital. The doctors managed to keep her stabilized, but the mother suffered acute quadriplegia. Currently, she is unable to move and function properly therefore she is being hospitalized to a rehabilitation center, where she is subjected to a series of treatments in order to get better. We still don’t know how long it’s going to take until the mother makes a full recovery, since her condition depends on various factors. The mother wasn’t informed about her baby’s condition until recently, since this information could have had a negative impact on her already critical condition. Due to these difficult circumstances the father is unable to work, since he has to take care of his wife and children. 

We would like to kindly thank all of you for supporting this family! The boy and the mother still have a long way to go, but thanks to your defining contribution, the “Act of Kindness” organization will keep on supporting this family for as long as needed.

Update 06.04.2021

Thanks to your defining contribution, Vasilis’ health has shown great improvement. He still remains home, where he is being submitted to all the necessary treatments, while he is being cared for by his father and little sister. If his condition remains stable, he will soon be transferred to a specialized medical center along with the candidate donor, in order to verify their compatibility. His mother’s condition has also shown great improvement, thanks to the care of the medical and nursing stuff of the rehabilitation clinic. She now has full control of her abdominal muscles, as well as parts of her left hand. The attending doctors feel very optimistic about her condition. The mother keeps on fighting, while praying for the best possible outcome for her and her son.  

We would like to kindly thank all of you for supporting this family. The little boy and the mother still have a long way to go, but thanks to your defining contribution, the “Act of Kindness” organization will keep on supporting this family for as long as needed.

We will keep you updated.

Update 24.05.2021

The latest information regarding Vasilis’ condition, are very promising. Thanks to your defining contribution, and after being submitted to all the necessary treatments, the little baby was transferred today, on 24.5.2021, to the Bone Marrow Transplant Unit (BMTU) of “Agia Sofia” Children’s Hospital, accompanied by his father. According to the attending doctors, the bone marrow transplant procedures have already begun. After a series of tests, the doctors concluded that the person who can offer him a chance in life, the person who constitutes a compatible donor, is his older sister. The little baby will remain hospitalized for the next month and a half until the procedure is completed. Then, he will be transferred to a specially-formed, sterilized wing, where he will remain for 2 more months, in order to receive the medical care that he needs. The mother is still being hospitalized at the rehabilitation clinic and she will remain there until she makes a full recovery.

Update 30.07.2021

We are deeply saddened to say goodbye to our beloved Vasilis, who spent the past 9 months fighting this uneven battle to stay alive.

On May of 2021, following doctors’ recommendations, the 13 month-old baby was subjected to a bone marrow transplant. In spite of the great medical care he had received, the little baby passed away, while in the ICU, due to transplant complications.

We would like to express our sincere condolences to his family, for their terrible loss, and we pledge to support them for everything they might need.

Rest in peace little guy! 

*The sum that was raised thanks to all of you, will be given to his family, as a minimum contribution for everything they are going through.


The story of Maria – Helen and the rescue of her right leg

The touching story of the brave girl begins at a very young age, when she was diagnosed with a failure to form the upper part of her right leg (thigh). This condition made it extremely difficult to support, walk and functionally the leg from infancy to adulthood. Maria-Helen could not use her right leg and walk normally, even with the use of aids. Due to all these malformations and deficiencies from the age of 1.5 years (2005) to 2021, when she was 18 years old, she had undergone multiple surgeries to restore her health.
Allies and guardian angels in this difficult struggle, her parents, who supported her and continue to support her in every possible way all these years. Her father was forced to quit his job in 2019, as due to severe stress he suffered a severe myocardial infarction while the mother was the only member of the family who could work. Parents were trying to support their child in his long rehabilitation and by 2021 they had spent more than 200,000 euros on hospitals and doctors. But the needs were great and the road long.
The extra surgeries could not be performed as, of course, the resources were exhausted. In May 2021, the father contacted us asking for our intervention to restore his child’s health. We immediately proceeded to a thorough social and medical research to find the most effective solution regarding the course of the medical actions required. The total estimated cost of the operations and treatments that our beloved friend had to undergo, amounted to 30,000 Euros.
Without any delay, we proceeded to a campaign to raise the amount of money while at the same time we offered psychological and moral support to the family members with the aim of encouraging and raising their morale. In the course of just one month we collected and offered the family the required amount that would offer Maria-Eleni the healthy future she deserved!
At the same time and always with a view to creating the best possible conditions for the restoration of our little one’s health, we settled previous financial debts of the family related to relevant medical interventions. In the very next period, Maria-Eleni underwent two successful operations and gradually continues her treatments until her complete restoration.
All this time we are firmly on the side of our beloved friend and her family, we support them in counseling, we encourage them for their struggle and we try to relieve them in every possible way. We continue and will continue to be by their side in the future providing the care and support they need!

See the campaing of Maria – Helen

Maria-Eleni is an 18 year-old girl from Giannitsa who urgently needs our help, in order to save her right leg!
Until this day, this brave young girl has been subjected to numerous operations, since she was diagnosed at a very young age, with congenital limb defect, which means that the ligaments in the tibiofemoral and pelvic joints, the femur and the muscles surrounding these areas, have not been formed properly. As a result the young girl experiences difficulty when walking, even when using orthopedic devices.
The surgeries so far have been successful. However, she still has a long way to go, since, according to the attending doctors, it’s imperative that she undergoes a series of additional surgeries on the tibiofemoral joint since the ligament damage is so severe that she is not able to stand on her own. Furthermore, she must be subjected to additional plastic surgeries due to deformed scars and muscular dystrophy.
Her parents have been supporting her every step of the way. However, her father had to quit his job two years ago, since, due to prolonged stress, he suffered a severe myocardial infarction. Currently, her mother is the sole financial provider of their household. Till this day, her parents have spent over 200,000 euros for surgeries and medical expenses. The cost for these additional surgeries amounts to 30,000 euros, a sum that the family cannot afford.
*The Act of Kindness organization, took on this case after the parents’ call for help. The girl’s medical records have been thoroughly examined by the organization’s pediatrician, Mrs. Noula Paraskevi.
Let us all contribute so that this young girl can have a better quality of life!
Together, we can give a ray of hope to Maria-Eleni and her family!
Any contribution, big or small, can make a difference!

gnomateysi KEPA (2)

Update 26.07.2021

Together we’ve made it happen!

Thanks to the sensitivity and support of hundreds of people from Greece, but also from abroad, we have managed to raise the required amount for Maria-Eleni’s surgeries. 

The sum that was raised thanks to your immediate response amounts to 40,000 euros. 30,000 euros will be required for the necessary surgeries and her hospitalization, while the remaining 10,000 euros will be given to her family in order to pay some of their debts they have accumulated from her previous treatments. 

On behalf of her family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your support and your defining contribution. 

The “Act of Kindness” organization will stand by this family until this 18 year-old-girl makes a full recovery.

We will keep you updated!


The story of Maria

Maria is a 3 year-old-girl from Athens. Two years ago, she had been subjected to a liver transplant at the ISMETT transplant center of Palermo in Italy. Today, on 12.5.2021 , the little girl will be admitted to the same medical facility, since she has manifested serious complications!
The little girl was first hospitalized on 30.7.2018 , when she was just 3 months old. Back then, the attending doctors at the Pediatrics Department of the University of Athens diagnosed her with biliary atresia. The little girl underwent surgery in July 2018 . Unfortunately the surgery wasn’t successful and in February of 2019 her liver function begun to deteriorate. The doctors then recommended that she were transferred to the ISMETT transplant center in Palermo, where she underwent a liver transplant. Her father had to donate a part of his liver. After the transplant, the doctors prescribed her immunosuppressive agents in order to eliminate the chances of transplant rejection. The long-term use of immunosuppressive medication caused serious complications to her health. In November of 2020, after manifesting symptoms of pneumonia and tachypnea, she was rushed to the hospital. The lung biopsy along with a series of other tests indicated that the child should undergo a procedure so that the doctors could insert a chest tube (Bülau drain). During this procedure, she suffered desaturation. She was then immediately intubated and transferred to the PICU of Agia Sofia Hospital. The doctors recommended that she stopped taking her immunosuppressive medication, although this strategy could result to a transplant rejection. After her extubation, she kept on talking her medication however the doctors became concerned that she may be suffering from post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD), a rare complication that causes white blood cells called lymphocytes to multiply out of control. This disorder could lead to a full-blown lymph node cancer (lymphoma).
The attending doctors of Agia Sofia Children’s Hospital recommended her immediate transfer at the ISMETT transplant center in Palermo, in order to reevaluate her health condition and treat her, so that she doesn’t suffer pulmonary fibrosis or, in worst case scenario, reject her transplant. If this were to happen, her life could be at serious risk.
The earliest date for her admission at the ISMETT transplant center was on 26/4/2021, but due to bureaucratic procedures, the date moved back on 12/5/2021.
This little girl’s parents are constantly by her side, doing everything they possibly can in order to save her life. However, the hospitalization and course of treatment at the ISMETT center, requires a lot of money and even though a part of the expenses will be paid by their health insurance, this multi-child family cannot afford her hospitalization.
Due to the urgency of this case, our organization has already made the necessary arrangements for their transportation and lodging. However, they still have a long way to go, since they haven’t been accurately informed about the nature or the duration of the course of treatment.
Let us all contribute, so that this little girl can make a full recovery!

Update 07.08.2021

After being hospitalized for two months in the ISMETT transplant center of Palermo, Maria has finally returned home! Thanks to your defining contribution, all of her treatment expenses were taken care of. According to the medical stuff, the course of treatments has been completed successfully, while the pulmonary fibrosis and transplant rejection were prevented. However, the girl will continue to receive the recommended medication and will be closely monitored by the doctors in Athens. 

On behalf of her family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your support and your defining contribution!

The “Act of Kindness” organization will stand by this family for as long as needed. 

We will keep you updated!


The story of Georgia-Sofia

Georgia-Sofia is a 16 year-old girl from Preveza who urgently needs our help!
On July of 2017, Georgia-Sofia, who was 13 years old at the time, had been in a car accident with her parents. She had sustained massive craniocerebral injuries and she was rushed to the hospital of Preveza. Following the doctors’ orders, she was transferred to the General Hospital of Ioannina G. Hatzikostas and three days later she was transferred to the University Hospital of Ioannina, where she was subjected to a craniectomy. A month later, she was transferred to the ICU of the Children’s Hospital “P. & A. Kyriakou”, where the attending doctors came to the conclusion that her condition didn’t require any more surgeries, since she was in a vegetative state. Following doctors’ orders, on September of 2017, the young girl was once again transferred to a private rehabilitation clinic in Larissa, in order to be treated by physiatrist. From November 2017 till December of the same year, Georgia-Sofia was subjected to three cranioplasty surgeries. The operations were successful and her eye contact gradually started to improve. The young girl returned to the rehabilitation clinic in order to proceed with her treatments and in August of 2020 she finally returned home. Thanks to her two-year hospitalization, and thanks to the tremendous help of the attending physicians, Georgia-Sofia’s condition has shown some improvement.
However, she still has a long way to go, since, according to the official medical report, she suffers from spastic quadriplegia and has a 95% disability rating. The attending doctors have strongly recommended that she proceeds with her physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions, since she cannot function on her own.
Her parents have never left her side doing everything they possibly can in order to alleviate her suffering. Her mother was also severely injured in the car accident, therefore she cannot work or care for her daughter. The father had to quit his job since he had to take care of his wife and daughter. The parents had rented an apartment in Larissa, so that they could be close to their daughter during her hospitalization in the rehabilitation clinic. Even though a part of the expenses was paid by their health insurance, Georgia-Sofia’s condition has taken a toll on the parents, both financially and emotionally. Today, the family cannot afford the recommended treatments for their daughter’s recovery.
Together, we can help Georgia-Sofia get her life back!
Together, we can stand by this family!

Update 02.07.2021

According to the attending physicians who have been treating her on daily basis, Georgia-Sofia’s condition has shown great improvement. She now receives nutrients orally therefore, her weight is gradually stabilizing. Furthermore, her lab results look very promising. 

Thanks to her physiotherapist, Mr. Apostolis Tsilakos, Georgia-Sofia is slowly but steady overcoming her mobility issues, since she can now use the standing device for up to 30 minutes at a time. According to the child psychiatrist who is treating her, the improvement of her physical health, combined with the loving environment of her home, has also improved her mental health. 

However, she still has a long way to go, since it’s imperative to proceed with her treatments, in order to make a full recovery. 

We would like to kindly thank all of you, for supporting Georgia-Sofia and her family! 

Thanks to your defining contribution, the “Act of Kindness” organization will keep on supporting this family for as long as needed.

We will keep you updated!


The story of Dimitris and his struggle for a better quality of life.

Dimitris was born and raised in the town of Irakleia in Serres, where he lived happily with his family. In 2018, at the age of 7, and while being completely healthy, he contacted a type B influenza. He was then hospitalized in the PICU of a hospital in Thessaloniki, where he remained comatose for three months. Our dear friend was diagnosed with spastic quadriplegia that was caused by encephalitis. He was exhibiting severe brain dysfunction and complete paralysis of his lower extremities. After the 7-year-old boy had been subjected to all the necessary treatments, he was discharged in order to undergo physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions that would improve his condition. His family has never left his side, always struggling in order to provide him with everything he needs. Dimitris was unable to speak, therefore he couldn’t communicate his needs, nor move. He was also unable to receive nutrition orally. The attending doctors recommended that he were immediately subjected to the required treatment program. However, his parents were unable to afford the cost of the treatments, since they were taking caring of him around the clock and were unable to work. The family was in a dead end, therefore the father reached out to us in order to receive our help throughout this ordeal. We immediately paid a visit to the family and we met in person this brave little boy. After evaluating the situation, it became clear to us that the parents couldn’t possibly afford the cost of the intensive home-based treatment program that was required for his condition. That being said, we immediately organized a campaign in order to raise the amount that would allow our little friend to get his life back. At the same time, we provided psychological and moral support to the family so that they could focus on their son’s needs. The amount that was raised during the campaign was not sufficient for the overall cost of his treatments; therefore the Organization settled the remaining amount on its own resources. After conducting a further inquiry, we found the most qualified physicians, who immediately started to treat the little boy. At the same time, we settled the family’s debts, so that they could focus on their child’s recovery. Furthermore, we strongly recommended that the family would move to a different house that would meet the required standards for a child with a disability, so that Dimitris could receive the best possible care in a healthy environment. In collaboration with his parents, we located a house that was suitable for them and we paid in advance 12 months’ worth of rent. After 8 months of intensive physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions, and to everyone’s surprise, our dear friend’s condition showed great improvement. This little fighter’s will to live, combined with the right therapeutic methods, contributed to a great improvement of his physical and mental health. We selflessly keep on providing our services to our large family’s newest member, hoping that our small contribution will make a great difference in Dimitris’ life, who, until this day, still follows his treatment plan!

View Dimitris’ campaign

The little boy was then diagnosed with encephalitis that caused severe cognitive impairment and complete paralysis of the lower extremities

Update 09.06.2021

Thanks to your all of your help and the guidance of the specialized medical stuff, this brave young boy keeps on fighting in order to face every day challenges. For the past 8 months Dimitrios is being submitted to all the recommended treatments, which, combined with the care of his family, have had a great impact on his condition. 

Since our first post, hundreds of people have responded to this family’s call for help. On behalf of the family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your selfless support and your defining contribution. 

Together, we keep on supporting Dimitrios and his family in order to provide this little boy with a better quality of life!


The story of Stylianos

Stylianos Mastrokyriakakis is a 55 year-old man who lives in Crete. After an acute ischemic cerebral episode that he suffered in June of 2020, he is still struggling to get back on his feet, since he and his family are unable to afford the cost for his physiotherapy treatments.
Mr. Mastrokyriakakis has spent most of his adult life working as a farmer in the rural area of Crete, in order to raise his four children. In 2009, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He immediately underwent surgery and radiation treatments, but due to his condition, he had to quit working. In May of 2019, he was once again hospitalized due to a heart attack. All of these years, his wife and children have never left his side, while supporting him in every way possible.
Due to the acute ischemic cerebral episode that he recently suffered, he needs care around the clock, provided by his wife. As a consequence, she is not able to work in order to provide for her family. The attending physicians have strongly recommended that he underwent a series of physiotherapy sessions in order to get back on his feet. Unfortunately, the family cannot afford these treatments. Due to the severe health problems that he has been facing for the past year and a half, Mr. Mastrokyriakakis doesn’t have a job or health insurance. His condition remains critical and if he doesn’t get the right treatments, the damage might become irreversible!

Update 10.12.2020

We are happy to inform you that we have received an appreciation letter from Manolis Mastrokyriakakis, who updated us on his father’s condition. After daily receiving the necessary treatments by a specialized medical stuff, his health has shown improvement. 

Since our first post, hundreds of people have responded to this family’s call for help. Mr. Mastrokyriakakis still has a long way to go, but thanks to your defining contribution, we will keep on supporting this family for as long as needed!


The story of Anastasia who suffers from cerebral palsy

Anastasia is a four-year-old little girl from Athens who suffers from congenital cerebral palsy. Ever since she was just a baby, she was exhibiting signs of psychokinetic delay. Months went by, however the little girl was still unable to take her first steps or sit up. She was also showing signs of intellectual disability, therefore she was unable to speak and she couldn’t be properly fed. The more her musculoskeletal system developed, the more she suffered from excruciating pain due to muscle tightness and joint stiffness. Her pediatrician strongly recommended that she would begin an intensive program of physiotherapy and therapeutic swimming sessions. Anastasia’s mother could no longer work, as the little girl required 24 hour care. Her father had to work double shifts in order to support his multi-child family and afford the cost of her treatments. However, due to the frequent hospitalization of Anastasia and the constant moving back-and-forth for her treatment sessions, the father couldn’t keep his job. The bills were piling up and the family could no longer afford Anastasia’s treatments or the purchase of the orthopedic devices she required. The family came to a dead end; therefore they decided to contact us in order to get some help. We immediately paid a visit to the family, estimated the situation and tried to give them courage. Due to the financial difficulties they were experiencing, they had to stay with relatives; therefore the living conditions were not ideal for a child with a disability. The family owned an apartment that was under construction; however, they never had the chance to complete it. We had to immediately intervene in order to make sure that this child would live in dignity, in a house specially designed for people with disabilities, where she could have a better quality of life. We initially made an assessment regarding the family’s needs and after communicating with the doctors who were treating this child, we designed a treatment plan that included physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and therapeutic swimming sessions. We immediately took all the necessary actions in order to launch the “Campaign to support Anastasia”. Within just a few days, the little girl began her treatment sessions. After following intensive physiotherapy combined with therapeutic swimming sessions, the girl’s musculoskeletal system began to improve. The muscle tightness and joint stiffness were reduced, while the pain she experienced had begun to subside. At the same time, the construction and renovation of the apartment were completed. Within a few months, we managed to turn it into a beautiful space, equipped with all the necessary furniture and appliances. We installed doors, windows and a heating system. We constructed rooms for the children, but also a room for Anastasia that was equipped with everything her condition she required. We also installed a bathroom that was specially designed for people with disabilities. We made sure the refrigerator and cabinets were filled with food supplies, while we ensured that the family acquired all the necessary equipment for their daughter’s care. At the same time, we provided holistic psychosocial support to the family and we stood by them every step of the way. Today, the little girl still receives all the necessary treatments, while her speech and motor skills have shown great improvement. She began taking baby steps with assistance, while she can now eat with less difficulty, laugh and express herself. Staying in a new, peaceful and beautiful environment, was also defining for the little girl’s psychological state, since the temper tantrums she had been manifesting, have now subsided. The professionals who treat her are very pleased with the way she responds to the treatments and we are more than happy for the constant improvement of her condition. Within just a few months, we have managed to change the life of a child who suffers from cerebral palsy. Together, we gave this child a chance to live with dignity. Anastasia’s parents are doing much better now financially and they keep on supporting their child with all of their power. The greatest reward for us was the warm and happy faces of these children. Their smiles gave us the strength to carry on. To keep on performing acts of kindness in order to help children and families in need!

View Anastasia’s campaign

Following the doctors’ recommendations, the little girl is being subjected to physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions 2 times a week, at the Public Rehabilitation Center. For the last 3 years, her parents have been doing everything in their power in order to alleviate her suffering.

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