Κατηγορία: Χωρίς κατηγορία - Σελίδα 6 - Πράξη Αγάπης
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Δορυλαίου 66, Κάτω Τούμπα
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα

Κατηγορία: Χωρίς κατηγορία

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Χωρίς κατηγορία

Once again we united and managed to secure the amount required for the treatment and surgery of little Maria-Efremia.

The one-year-old little girl has been fighting a hard battle since the day she was born as she suffers from a rare and extremely dangerous disease of the digestive system – bowel hypokinetic syndrome – resulting in 3 tubes permanently in her body and her life being completely dependent on the necessary medical support.

Thanks to the offer of all of you, our little one will receive all the necessary treatments for the rehabilitation of her gastrointestinal system as well as the operations that she will need to undergo in the near future.
Many thanks on behalf of the family for their valuable support!
An act of kindness of each of us is an opportunity of a lifetime for one more child!

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Χωρίς κατηγορία

Thanks to your defining support, we have managed to settle the medical bills for Aggelos’ chemotherapy and radiation therapy plan, to which he is being subjected to this day. The next few days are critical for this little boy’s health, who is fighting against all odds in order to stay alive.

On behalf of his family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for being by his side throughout this ordeal. Our prayers and positive thoughts go to him, as he is daily fighting this uneven battle with cancer.

We believe in you, little guy! We know that you’ll soon win this battle and that one day you’ll look back and all of this will seem like a bad dream!


Χωρίς κατηγορία

The heart-breaking public appeal of Evanthia’s husband, the 28-year-old young woman form Mytilene who is being hospitalized in a rehabilitation center, after surviving a severe car accident. 

he young mother is fighting against all odds in order to get back on her feet and return to the loving arms of her 4-year-old daughter and her family. However, the cost for her hospitalization is unbearable and her family cannot possibly settle the medical bills without our immediate support! 

Even though Evanthia has started to show some improvement, she will have to stop with her treatments due to financial reasons. Together, we can help this young woman recover! Even the smallest contribution, can make a great difference!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

We are extremely happy to announce that Christos-Efraim has been subjected to a successful liver transplant, since the doctors finally found a compatible donor that offered him a chance in life!
For the last 6 months, the little fighter has been hospitalized in Palermo, struggling daily in order to battle his cancer. When Christos-Efraim was just a little baby, he was diagnosed with a rare form of liver cancer (hepatoblastoma). His only hope to recover was a liver transplant. After a long wait and numerous treatments, the doctors finally found a matching donor and Christos-Efraim was immediately subjected to a transplant operation. So far, everything looks good. There were no complications, while his body hasn’t rejected the transplanted organ.
The little boy is still being hospitalized in Palermo, while he is being closely monitored by the attending doctors. He is currently receiving the required immunosuppressive agents, while he is also being subjected to a final round of chemo, as a precaution.
This little fighter didn’t lose his courage, not even for a minute. He keeps smiling, sending us many kisses, reminding us that we should cherish every moment of our life. That we should never lose our faith and our hope. We will stand by this family’s side for as long as needed, hoping that Christos-Efraim soon returns home as a winner!


Χωρίς κατηγορία

Our beloved little guy has grown up and just before his first birthday, he got to see the world with his own eyes! Thanks to our prompt response and your defining contribution, Christos-Rafael got the chance to fight his rare eye condition – congenital glaucoma – and to get his sight back. We have just received the most priceless gift from this baby boy and his mother and we feel so moved and so proud for this little guy! We will keep on standing by this little hero and his family!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

The mother of our beloved Dimitris is thanking all of these people who supported them throughout this ordeal and offered them a ray of hope, through this heart touching video!

We wish from the bottom of our heart that Dimitris gets better soon!


Χωρίς κατηγορία

After turning our love for this young fighter into action, today we are able to offer him the gift of life! Thanks to the sensitivity and the defining support of thousands of people worldwide, in just 3 weeks we have managed to raise the funds that will help make a great difference in this boy’s life. Thanks to you, Dimitris will be immediately subjected to the required, intensive, home-based treatments that will help him regain his speech and motor skills, as well as his swallowing ability. We are confident that he is going to make it!

The mother’s statement:

“I still can’t believe it’s true. We had lost all hope. I’m sure that every mother out there could relate. That’s when I contacted the Act of Kindness organization. They immediately reassured us that everything would be fine, while they did their best in order to support us. All these years, we have received a lot of love; however I never thought that my son would have a chance in getting better. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, all these people who have supported us. I would also like to help the Act of Kindness organization and the people who work there, because none of this would be feasible if it weren’t for them. In the end, miracles can come true, when we all stick together”.

We would like to kindly thank all of you for your defining contribution and support. Thanks to you, we have managed to offer hope for a better future to a young boy!
We will stand by this family’s side for as long as needed and we will keep you updated!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

We are so happy and moved to hear that Ioanna’s heart surgery was a 100% successful. The attending doctors are amazed by this little fighter’s post-op recovery, who was recently subjected to an extremely complicated surgical procedure. The little girl was diagnosed with a life-threatening, rare case of pulmonary artery stenosis. However, thanks to your immediate support, the surgery took place without wasting any precious time. The little girl had to remain hospitalized a little more than anticipated, so that the doctors could make sure there weren’t any complications and that she would receive the best possible care. This two-year-old girl had to face the biggest challenge of her life and today, she is safely returning home to her loving family. Her sweet and innocent smile is our reward!

The mother’s statement:
“We are so happy and so moved that everything went well! We were extremely worried, but we had faith! My baby has been suffering for so long and we just couldn’t wait for all of this to be over. We are so grateful to all these people who showed their support. We are so grateful to the Act of Kindness organization that stood by us since day one and provided us with everything we needed, without wasting any valuable time. They were there for us every step of the way! They took care of everything. Medical tests, surgery, doctors, tickets, accommodation… I have no words to describe how grateful I am. But most of all, I was impressed by their humane approach was towards us. They genuinely cared for us. I really cannot imagine what the situation would be like if we haven’t contacted them. We just want to thank everybody from the bottom of our heart for helping out our family”.

We will stand by this family for as long as needed and we will keep you updated regarding the course of her health. We kindly thank all of you for your sensitivity and your immediate support. Thanks to you, we managed once more to save a child’s life.

Read more: https://act-of-kindness.org/donation/together-we-keep-on-fighting-for-saving-ioannas-life/

Χωρίς κατηγορία

We are deeply saddened to say goodbye to our beloved Vasilis, who spent the past nine months fighting this uneven battle to stay alive.

On May of 2021, following doctors’ recommendations, the thirteen-month-old baby was subjected to a bone marrow transplant. In spite of the great medical care he had received, the little baby passed away, while in the ICU, due to transplant complications.

We would like to express our sincere condolences to his family, for their terrible loss, and we pledge to support them for everything they might need.

Rest in peace little guy! 

*The sum that was raised thanks to all of you, will be given to his family, as a minimum contribution for everything they are going through.

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Update on Georgia-Sofia’s condition

According to the attending physicians who have been treating her on daily basis, Georgia-Sofia’s condition has shown great improvement. She now receives nutrients orally therefore, her weight is gradually stabilizing. Furthermore, her lab results look very promising. 

Thanks to her physiotherapist, Mr. Apostolis Tsilakos, Georgia-Sofia is slowly but steady overcoming her mobility issues, since she can now use the standing device for up to 30 minutes at a time. According to the child psychiatrist who is treating her, the improvement of her physical health, combined with the loving environment of her home, has also improved her mental health. 

However, she still has a long way to go, since it’s imperative to proceed with her treatments, in order to make a full recovery. 

We would like to kindly thank all of you, for supporting Georgia-Sofia and her family! 

Thanks to your defining contribution, the “Act of Kindness” organization will keep on supporting this family for as long as needed.

We will keep you updated!

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