Author: act-of-kindness - Page 19 - Πράξη Αγάπης
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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Our little Nektarios was born 10 days ago in a private clinic in Athens, where he was directly intubated and transferred to the intensive care unit, where he remains to this day. The little fighter was already diagnosed from his mother’s womb with a very serious heart disease and an experienced pediatric heart surgeon offered to operate on him without receiving a medical fee. From the moment the baby came to life, however, he developed additional complications and the doctor deemed it necessary to stay in the intensive care unit for an additional period of time, so that he would develop as much as necessary to successfully perform the life-saving surgery. In general, the child developed many complications and there is a possibility that he may undergo additional operations on other vital organs. The mobilization of all of you was very great and within 1 day we collected not only the amount we set as a goal at the beginning of our campaign, but a total of 7,303.51 euros were collected, which will be allocated entirely to the little one’s hospitalization, as it seems he has big fight ahead of him. Already his stay in the ICU for the next 2 months amounts to 5,500 euros and thanks to the mobilization of all of us it has been secured. We expect to hear developments from the doctors in charge and will be by his side for as long as it takes.
Let’s pray for our little Nektarios to get well soon and find himself healthy in the arms of his parents and his little sister who are eagerly waiting for him!
Check out little Nektarios’ campaign:

Click here

Χωρίς κατηγορία

The procedure was performed in a private facility in Thessaloniki and according to his doctors, the nodules in his lung have been successfully eliminated. Our dear friend is currently recovering at home, while he is being cared for by his family. Since the treatment has been successfully completed, he will be regularly subjected to all the necessary tests in order to prevent any future recurrence. We will keep on standing by his side, along with all of you, who have been supporting him since day one.
Dear Alexandros, you are not alone in this! Our thoughts and prayers are always with you!

Χωρίς κατηγορία


For the past 2 months, 1-year-old Konstantina-Athina is being hospitalized in Palermo of Sicily, while thanks to your immediate response, we’ve made sure that she and her family have the required funds for their stay and their expenses for a minimum of 6 months.  During all this time that she is being hospitalized, she is being closely monitored by the medical staff, while she is also being subjected to all the necessary tests that are required before her liver transplant, which will take place in the foreseeable future.  This little girl has been struggling ever since she was just an infant, since she has been diagnosed with biliary atresia, a severe condition that affects the liver, as well as the rest of the vital organs. Currently, she is stable, while she is receiving all the treatments that are required prior to the transplant, which will offer her a chance in life. Her parents have already been subjected to all the necessary tests and so far the father seems to be the best candidate for donating a part of his liver. However, the procedure is complicated and it takes a lot of time, since the donor must meet some requirements. That being said, the father is being subjected to further tests until the doctors decide that he is ready to donate. At the same time, the little girl is also on the transplant list, so if the doctors find a match, she will be immediately subjected to the transplant. Konstantina-Athina has just turned one, away from her home. We sincerely hope that she’ll celebrate her next birthday, happy and healthy in Greece.

Stay strong, baby girl! We are confident that everything will be all right and that you will make a full recovery! We will stand by this family’ side for as long as needed, anxiously waiting for a positive outcome!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

The 3-day-old infant has been diagnosed with a severe congenital heart disease and he will be soon subjected to a heart surgery. The specialized pediatric heart surgeon will perform the surgery pro bono, while the private clinic will also cover a large part of the cost of his hospitalization. Since the baby had to be born in that specific clinic, in order to be immediately put in the NICU, the family had to bear additional expenses that were unable to pay. However, after joining forces we have managed- in just 24 hours- to help out this family by making sure that Panagiotis-Nektarios will receive the medical care he needs.
On behalf of his family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your immediate response. We sincerely hope that everything goes well so that the little guy will soon return into his mother’s arms!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

The first 8 cycles of chemotherapy failed to clear the cancer from our beloved Iosif’s bones and bone marrow and so the doctors recommended that he be urgently submitted to a new protocol of 3 new cycles of more powerful chemotherapy in order to eradicate the tumor. Our little one has completed two rounds of this treatment and is getting ready to enter the next one. Fortunately, the side effects were minimal and our hero continues his fight vigorously! If all goes well and the doctors judge him to be ready, the bone marrow transplant, surgery, radiation treatments and immunotherapies will take place in the next year. Immediately after, it is necessary to go to America to undergo specialized treatment, with the aim of preventing the recurrence of the aggressive disease. The total amount required for targeted therapy is enormous and cannot be secured without the immediate mobilization of all of us! Iosif is only 16 months old and at such a sensitive age he is forced to fight every day and with all his strength against the disease that threatens him! Together we can end his Golgotha and give him the healthy future he deserves!

Events & CollaborationsNEWS

Octagon Submission 3 was successfully completed on Saturday, July 9, at the Royal Hotel, in Peraia, under the auspices of the Hellenic Martial Arts Federation and with the support of the Municipality of Thermaikos.The event had a charitable character with the aim of presenting as well as supporting the work and actions of our Organization. 

With great interest we watched the friendly matches of the athletes and with great joy we communicated the vision and values of the Act of Kindness!Athletes from all over northern Greece participated in the games and gave a fantastic spectacle in matches with Octagon Submission rules, while the Deputy Mayor of Culture and Sports, Mr. Panagiotis Trokanas, also attended.

Many thanks to the Organizers for the invitation and warm hospitality!

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Χωρίς κατηγορία

Thanks to the immediate response of thousands of people from Greece, but also abroad, we have managed to gather the required amount, so that Ilias will not only proceed with his daily physiotherapy sessions, but he will also acquire the medical equipment he needs, so that he can have a better quality of life! Ilias has fought cancer 2 times. Even though he managed to beat it, he remained confined to a wheelchair. Thanks to the aid campaign we organized on his behalf, for the past 4 months he is receiving an intensive home-based physiotherapy and kinesiotherapy program, combined with nursing care that will help him regain his motor skills, walk again and go after his dreams! So far, he has made great progress, therefore his family wants him to proceed with his treatments in a specialized rehabilitation center, where he will not only be subjected to physiotherapy exercises that will strengthen his muscular system, but he will also be daily subjected to swimming therapy, which is highly recommended in cases like his. Thanks to all of your help, their wish is going to come true. Ilias will be soon admitted to the rehabilitation center, while we have already settled the cost of his hospitalization for 5 whole months!
Dear Ilias, hang in there and keep on fighting! Just remember you’re not alone, as our thoughts and prayers are always with you! So far, you have fought hard and we know you’ll make it!

Read more here

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Χωρίς κατηγορία

2-year-old Isodoros has been diagnosed with a rare syndrome that affects the respiratory and lymphatic system (Noonan syndrome). His condition requires 24hour care, regular physiotherapy sessions as well as a variety of medicine and orthopedic devices. Thanks to your defining contribution, his family acquired all the medical equipment and expendable medical supplies that he needs. For the past 4 months, Isidoros is receiving his medicinal treatment, as well as an intensive home-based physiotherapy plan. It’s imperative that he proceeds with his physiotherapy sessions for a long period of time, in order for his motor skills and respiratory system to improve. Physiotherapy will also help strengthen his muscular system.
On behalf of Isidoros’ family, we would like to kindly thank all you out there for your immediate response! We are going to stand by this little boy’s side for as long as it takes, eagerly waiting for him to take his first steps!

You can view Isidoros’ campaign here

Χωρίς κατηγορία

For the past few months, Argirios was being hospitalized in a rehabilitation center, after suffering severe hemiplegia, resulting from an acute myocardial infarction and an ischemic stroke. Even though he had recently shown some improvement, as the doctors were planning on removing his tracheostomy, he suffered a microbial infection that led to sepsis. Unfortunately, today he succumbed to his infection, while leaving behind his mourning family and community. The total amount that was raised through the campaign we had organized will be used to settle his medical bills at the rehabilitation center where he was being hospitalized. On behalf of his family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for being by Argirios’ side, the man who kept fighting for his life until the last minute. We would also like to express our most sincere condolences to his family. Rest in peace!


The "Act of Kindness" organization is proud to announce a new state-of-the-art digital service. Aiming to establish a relationship of trust, transparency and accountability, the organization will be posting on its official website - starting today - a detailed list of all the donations made to every single running campaign, whether these transactions are being carried out via a deposit into our bank accounts (National Bank, Piraeus Bank, Alpha Bank), or via a credit or debit card (Paypal, Stripe, Viva Wallet), or via the "DIAS" interbanking system, as well as a detailed list of all the text messages sent to our five digit number 19825. More specifically, starting today, by entering the website of the "Act of Kindness" organization , or by clicking on the link of the campaign of your choice, you will be able to view all the transactions that were made and all the text messages that were sent, in order to support the campaign in question. Starting today, the detailed list of all transactions and sent text messages, will be updated on daily basis (Monday to Friday), while the deposits that take place during the weekend, will appear on the list on the following Tuesdays. The deposits that take place during a holiday will appear on the list on the day after the next business day. Each donor will be able to view the amount they have donated to the campaigns of their choice, by simply inserting the Reference Code or the last digits of the phone number from which they have sent the text message. After the campaign is successfully completed, the detailed list will remain posted on the website and will be available for all purposes. Furthermore, a detailed review of the financial progress of all campaigns will be also available on various Facebook posts. While proceeding its long course, based on values that have always defined its philanthropic initiatives, aiming to support people from all around Greece, but also from abroad, but also aiming to enhance the concept of transparency, integrity, as well as the quality of its services, the "Act of Kindness" organization is slowly but steady being rebuilt and modernized, always envisioning a better world!

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