Author: act-of-kindness - Page 41 - Πράξη Αγάπης
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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece


Today, the authorized representatives of the “Act and Kindness” organization have distributed our new year’s calendar, as well as our magazine’s newest issue, at the Central Fruit and Vegetable Market of Thessaloniki.  

We would like to kindly thank the administration of CMT, as well as the employees and the customers, for their hospitality and support.

Events & Collaborations

Under the guidance of their teacher, Mrs. Mariza Koutsospirou, the first grade students of the school year of 2019-2020 who attend Andreadis Schools, created an original fairytale for our magazine’s newest issue. The magazine will be distributed all around Greece, in order to support children and families who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems.  


When our youth supports our causes, we feel twice as proud!

Because our youth constitutes the future of our country!

We would like to kindly thank the students of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, for their initiative to donate essential items to our organization!


This day is celebrated every year on October 17th, encouraging us to stand by our fellow citizens who are facing social exclusion. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness on the impact poverty has on our society and to emphasize on the need to create a world where all people can enjoy equal rights and live with dignity. 

Let us stop closing our eyes to the problem!

Let us stand by each other and co-create a society of equal opportunities!


The story of Stylianos

Stylianos Mastrokyriakakis is a 55 year-old man who lives in Crete. After an acute ischemic cerebral episode that he suffered in June of 2020, he is still struggling to get back on his feet, since he and his family are unable to afford the cost for his physiotherapy treatments.
Mr. Mastrokyriakakis has spent most of his adult life working as a farmer in the rural area of Crete, in order to raise his four children. In 2009, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He immediately underwent surgery and radiation treatments, but due to his condition, he had to quit working. In May of 2019, he was once again hospitalized due to a heart attack. All of these years, his wife and children have never left his side, while supporting him in every way possible.
Due to the acute ischemic cerebral episode that he recently suffered, he needs care around the clock, provided by his wife. As a consequence, she is not able to work in order to provide for her family. The attending physicians have strongly recommended that he underwent a series of physiotherapy sessions in order to get back on his feet. Unfortunately, the family cannot afford these treatments. Due to the severe health problems that he has been facing for the past year and a half, Mr. Mastrokyriakakis doesn’t have a job or health insurance. His condition remains critical and if he doesn’t get the right treatments, the damage might become irreversible!

Update 10.12.2020

We are happy to inform you that we have received an appreciation letter from Manolis Mastrokyriakakis, who updated us on his father’s condition. After daily receiving the necessary treatments by a specialized medical stuff, his health has shown improvement. 

Since our first post, hundreds of people have responded to this family’s call for help. Mr. Mastrokyriakakis still has a long way to go, but thanks to your defining contribution, we will keep on supporting this family for as long as needed!


Today, as well as every Wednesday, the “Act of Kindness” organization collects fresh fruit and vegetables, donated by fruit stands at the farmers’ market in the Toumpa area, in order to offer them to multi-child families in need!   


We would like to kindly thank the representatives of the non-profit organization “Boroume”, for their initiative and for a prosperous collaboration.

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Stylianos Mastrokyriakakis is a 55-year-old man who lives in Crete.

After an acute ischemic cerebral episode that he suffered in June of 2020, he is still struggling to get back on his feet, since he and his family are unable to afford the cost for his physiotherapy treatments. 

Mr. Mastrokyriakakis has spent most of his adult life working as a farmer in the rural area of Crete, in order to raise his four children. In 2019, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He immediately underwent surgery and radiation treatments, but due to his condition, he had to quit working. In May of 2019, he was once again hospitalized due to a heart attack. All of these years, his wife and children have never left his side, while supporting him in every way possible. 

Due to the acute ischemic cerebral episode that he recently suffered, he needs care around the clock, provided by his wife. As a consequence, she is not able to work in order to provide for her family.  The attending physicians have strongly recommended that he underwent a series of physiotherapy sessions in order to get back on his feet. Unfortunately, the family cannot afford these treatments. Due to the severe health problems that he has been facing for the past year and a half, Mr. Mastrokyriakakis doesn’t have a job or health insurance. His condition remains critical and if he doesn’t get the right treatments, the damage might become irreversible! 


Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 2.35.15 PM

The “van of kindness” travels across the country with one and only mission: to offer a helping hand to children and families in need!


You have seen it many times, driving around through town, as well as out of town, during its daily itinerary. The "van of kindness" travels all over Greece for one and only purpose: to offer help to families in need!


Akis Sakellariou, art director of this year’s “Dimitria festival”, and well-respected actor, encourages us to perform an act of kindness!

Call our five digit number 19825, in order to support children and families who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems, all over Greece!

Just one phone call can save a life!

We would like to kindly thank Akis Sakellariou, for the trust he has shown in us and for his valuable contribution in the making of the TV spot!


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