Short Story

10-month-old Konstantina-Athina, who lives in the village of Aggelochori in Thessaloniki, is now facing the biggest challenge of her life, since she must be urgently admitted to the ISMETT transplant center of Palermo (on May 10th). Her only chance is to be immediately subjected to a liver transplant.

Together we’ve made it happen for 10-month-old Konstantina-Athina

by Steve Tsomp

  • 22.860,00 

    Funding Goal
  • 23.192,42 

    Funds Raised
  • Target Goal

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The campaign is successful.

Steve Tsomp

97 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

10-month-old Konstantina-Athina, who lives in the village of Aggelochori in Thessaloniki, is now facing the biggest challenge of her life, since she must be urgently admitted to the ISMETT transplant center of Palermo (on May 10th). The little baby has been struggling all her life, since she has been diagnosed with biliary atresia, a severe condition that affects the liver and – by extension – all other vital organs. Although she has already been subjected to a surgical procedure when she was just 4 months old, the surgeons weren’t able to repair the damage. Her only chance is to be immediately subjected to a liver transplant. Baby girl Konstantina-Athina will be urgently transferred to Palermo, accompanied by her parents. Once they both get tested, one of them will donate part of their liver and offer her a chance in life. However, the family must stay in Palermo for at least six months and the cost for their tickets, their accommodation and their daily expenses cannot be settled without our defining contribution. 

Let us all stand by this child who is fighting against all odds in order to stay alive! Together, we can provide her with a future full of health! Even the smallest contribution, can make a great difference!

  • 19-5-2022

    Once more, we’ve jointed forces and we’ve made it happen!

    Together, we have manager to purchase the plane tickets for Konstantina-Athina and her family, while we also gathered the amount required for the family’s accommodation and daily expenses for the 6-month period that they will be staying in Palermo! The little baby has been already admitted to the ISMETT transplant center of Palermo, in order to undergo the liver transplant. Her parents will be soon subjected to all the necessary tests as potential donors, while Konstantina-Athina will have to fight the biggest battle of her life! The next days are critical. We sincerely hope that everything turns out just fine.
    On behalf of her family, we would like to kindly thank you for your touching support and your defining contribution. We would also like to help all of these people who are living abroad, who are participating actively in order to help our effort.
    From the bottom of our heart, we wish that everything turns out just fine and that you soon return home healthy!
    Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Godspeed!


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