Short Story

3-year-old Nikolas from the island of Corfu is now facing the biggest challenge of his life, since he has been diagnosed with a mediastinal malignant tumor that has already metastasized in his bones and bone marrow (4th grade neuroblastoma). Currently, it’s imperative that he soon undergoes a surgical operation in order to remove the mediastinal tumor. However, the bills are pilling up and the family cannot afford their daily expenses for such a long period of time.

Together we’ve made it happen for little Nicolas!

by Steve Tsomp

  • 38.610,00 

    Funding Goal
  • 45.946,38 

    Funds Raised
  • Target Goal

Raised Percent :
The campaign is successful.

Steve Tsomp

97 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

3-year-old Nikolas from the island of Corfu is now facing the biggest challenge of his life, since he has been diagnosed with a mediastinal malignant tumor that has already metastasized in his bones and bone marrow (4th grade neuroblastoma). The little guy has been already subjected to numerous chemotherapy cycles and within the next few weeks, he will be subjected to a bone marrow transplant in a public anticancer hospital in Greece. However, it’s imperative that he soon undergoes a surgical operation in order to remove the mediastinal tumor. The surgery will be performed in a private clinic, by a specialized pediatric surgeon. Currently, the family has left their home, since they are staying in the guest house of the anticancer hospital, where they will have to remain for at least one more year. However, the bills are pilling up and the family cannot afford their daily expenses for such a long period of time. Nikolas is fighting for his life and his parents have never left his side. Without our support, the little boy will not be able to undergo the surgery that will probably save his life.  

Let us all stand by Nikolas in every way that we can for as long as he fights this uneven battle! If we all join forces, we will make it happen!   



  • 30-5-2022

    Together, we’ve made it happen for our little friend Nikolas!

    Within four twenty-four hours thousands of people joined in one punch and collected the amount of 45,796.38 euros covering the total cost of the surgery as well as the rest of the family’s expenses for the time they will need to stay away from their homeland. A huge hug we became all together for 3-year-old Nikolas from Corfu, who is fighting a titanic battle with an aggressive form of cancer – 4th degree neuroblastoma – and will have to undergo critical surgery to remove the tumor. Today we were informed that our little one started a new cycle of chemotherapy, the result of which will determine the medical procedures to be followed in the coming period. The mobilization of all of you was very moving, as was the decisive initiative of the #team_Nikolas team that flooded Twitter with posters, posts and a live marathon, in order to support the campaign of our little one. Thank you all warmly and on behalf of the family! We will be by nikolas and his family’s side for as long as needed and we will inform you about the course of his health.

    Our little lion, the prayers of all of us to accompany you in the battle you are fighting and we wish you soon to come out victorious!


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