Short Story

Baby Achilleas’ birth is scheduled for late August, however the mother’s B-level ultrasound revealed a severe case of complex heart defect. According to the cardiologists who monitor the fetus, the baby will need to be subjected to three heart surgeries before he turns 2, in order to survive. The first and crucial open-heart surgery will be performed just 2 weeks after his birth. Since this is an extremely high-risk surgery, it will be performed in a private clinic in Istanbul, where a specialized team of heart surgeons has agreed to take on this challenging case, which according to them, has a high success rate.

Together we stand by Achilleas, who has to fight for his life as soon as he comes into this world!

by test test

  • 79.200,00 

    Funding Goal
  • 79.635,62 

    Funds Raised
  • Target Goal

Raised Percent :
The campaign is successful.

test test

138 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

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Campaign Story

The young couple were living on of the happiest times of their life as a married couple, eagerly waiting for the arrival of Achilleas, their little prince as they call them. However, their happiness was short-lived. During the scheduled B-level ultrasound, the doctor detected severe heart defects: atrioventricular septal defect with just one atrioventricular valve, ventricular septal defect, transposition of the great arteries, pulmonary valve stenosis and total anomalous pulmonary venous return.

The fetus is already closely monitored by a specialized medical team, according to which, the baby will need to be subjected to three heart surgeries before he turns 2, in order to survive. The first and crucial open-heart surgery will be performed just 2 weeks after his birth.

Since this is an extremely high-risk surgery, it will be performed in a private clinic in Istanbul, where a specialized team of heart surgeons has agreed to take on this challenging case, which according to them, has a high success rate. The delivery is scheduled for late August. The cost of the surgery, as well as the cost of the family’s lodging abroad, is unbearable for this young couple who are now in despair, since they are unable to cope with the expenses that have arisen.

Baby Achilleas needs our help in order to survive! If he doesn’t have this surgery, he might not make it. There is no time to waste. We need to move fast! Together, we can make it happen!


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You can help by the following ways:

  • by entering the campaign’s webpage and making an online deposit using your debit or

credit card (through Viva Wallet, Paypal, Stripe).

  • by making a deposit to one of the following bank accounts: Reference “ACHILLEAS 188”


Piraeus Bank 

          Account number: 5222091702771

          IBAN: GR4101722220005222091702771


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


National Bank

          Account number: 21000630539

          IBAN: GR4401102100000021000630539


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


Alpha Bank

          Account number: 701002002030506

          IBAN: GR0401407010701002002030506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS 



          Account number: 00260024130201219506

          IBAN: GR6502600240000130201219506


          Beneficiary: PRAXI AGAPIS-ACT OF KINDNESS


  • – by making a donation through the DIAS internet banking payment system, using this

campaign’s unique RF53917199188188188188188 payment.

  • – by sending a text message to 19825. The message must read: “ACHILLEAS 188”. (Charge  2,71€ /SMS)


*the charges include VAT as well as mobile subscriber fee. This number is available for all fixed and mobile telephony providers in Greece.




  • 23-08-2023


    In order to survive, he needs to be subjected to surgery, just 7 days after his birth!
    The fetus has been diagnosed with a congenital, complex heart defect! The 22-year-old expectant mother needs to urgently travel to Istanbul, in order to give birth to baby Achilleas, who a few days later will undergo the open-heart surgery that will save his life!
    The cost of the family’s transportation and lodging, as well as the cost of the delivery and the baby’s surgery, amount to a sum that the young couple is unable to gather!
    Their health-insurance provider is not willing to cover any of the costs. Their appeal was denied.
    88.188 Euros is the sum that needs to be gathered in just a few days! That’s exactly the sum that is required for this baby’s survival!
    We all share this post so that baby Achilleas can have his surgery!!! Every share and post is vital!!!

  • 28-08-2023

    We only have 2 days left. The life of an infant lies in our hands! We join forces for baby Achilleas!

    In 2 days, Achilleas’ mother will be admitted to a clinic in Istanbul, in order to give birth to her son. The newborn baby will have to fight for his life shortly after he comes into this world. The delivery has been scheduled for September 5th, while the open heart surgery, which will save this baby’s life, has been scheduled for September 12th.
    The fetus has been diagnosed with a complex, congenital heart defect. The team of specialized heart surgeons who have agreed to take on this case, will essentially have to reconstruct this little heart, which needs to keep on beating.
    Their health-insurance provider is not willing to cover any of the costs. Their appeal has been denied.
    We are in constant communication with the clinic in Istanbul, however in order for the mother to be admitted, we have to wire to the clinic most of the sum that is required for the surgery.
    The young couple is in anguish, since we only have 2 days left. It’s August 28th, 6 pm., and so far we have only gathered 15.372,36 Euros from the total of 88.188 Euros that are required for the mother’s admission.
    We have proven far too many times in the past, that when we join forces, we can achieve the impossible! Let us all do our best in order to save this little angel’s life!
    We keep our phone lines open for your calls to 19825. Charge by a landline: 2,60€/call. Charge by a mobile phone: 2,48/call.
    We help in any way we can! Share this message!

  • 30-08-2023

    We only have one day left!!!

    The life of an infant lies in our hands! We join forces for baby Achilleas!
    Tomorrow, Achilleas’ mother is being admitted to a clinic in Istanbul, in order to give birth to her son. The newborn baby will have to fight for his life shortly after he comes into this world. The delivery has been scheduled for September 5th, while the open heart surgery, which will save this baby’s life, has been scheduled for September 12th.
    The fetus has been diagnosed with a complex, congenital heart defect. The team of specialized heart surgeons who have agreed to take on this case, will essentially have to reconstruct this little heart, which needs to keep on beating.
    Their health-insurance provider is not willing to cover any of the costs. Their appeal has been denied.
    We are in constant communication with the clinic in Istanbul, however in order for the mother to be admitted, we have to wire them most of the sum that is required for the surgery by tomorrow.
    The young couple is in anguish, since we only have 24 hours left. It’s August 30th, 21:30, and so far we have gathered 31.134,55 Euros from the total of 88.188 Euros that are required for the mother’s admission.
    We have proven far too many times in the past, that when we join forces, we can achieve the impossible! Let us all do our best in order to save this little angel’s life!
    We keep our phone lines open for your calls to 19825. Charge by a landline: 2,60€/call. Charge by a mobile phone: 2,48/call.
    We help in any way we can! Share this message!

  • 31-08-2023

    We must ensure the baby's surgery!!

    So that his little heart keeps beating!
    We received another appeal from his parents yesterday afternoon! They are addressed to all of you!Today they travel! The Organization organized the transfer of the mother and father of little Achilles to Istanbul in order to be admitted to the clinic for childbirth.
    The required amount has not, however, been raised to cover AND the open heart surgery of little Achilles.This family needs help.
    This baby will come to life, which he will fight to win.
    The amount must be raised immediately! Now!
    Because every child is everyone’s child!!
    So that Achilles’ heart continues to beat for a lifetime!

    [yotuwp type=”videos” id=”QEZE_K4Z93s” ]

  • 06-09-2023

    Latest update! He was transferred to the NICU as soon as he was born!

    Achilleas’ open-heart surgery will be performed any day now!
    Baby Achilleas was born yesterday. He is currently in the NICU of a clinic in Istanbul, since his parents are waiting for the doctor’s approval, so that the baby can be subjected to an open-heart-surgery.
    Our Organization has transferred the funds that have been raised so far, to the clinic where the mother and baby are hospitalized. However, we still have to gather the remaining amount, which is required for the baby’s surgery!
    The little baby just came into this world… Let us all do everything in our power in order to keep him alive!!!
    Today, on 6.9.2023, at 20:10, the raised funds amount to 61.735€, while the funding goal which will save the boy’s life, amounts to 88.188€.
    Only by joining forces, will we be able to achieve the impossible. Besides, every child out there could very well be our child!

  • 26-09-2023

    Our beloved Achilleas won his first battle! His health has improved unexpectedly!

    After coming in contact with the hospital of Istanbul and the doctor who is performing baby Achilleas’ surgery, we were overwhelmed with joy!
    The little guy, who was diagnosed with an extremely rare congenital heart defect, before he even came into this world, was born 20 days ago in a specialized hospital of Istanbul.
    According to the prenatal tests, the baby had to be subjected to 3 surgeries, while the first of these had to be performed just 7 days after his birth. The cost of the delivery and heart surgery, combined with the cost of the family’s transportation and lodging, amounted to the sum of 88.188 Eros.
    Hundreds of people from Greece and abroad embraced our aid campaign and immediately responded to our call for help for this little hero, who had to fight for his life before he even came into this world. Thanks to this team effort, we managed to ensure the ideal conditions for the baby’s medical care and hospitalization.
    When Achilleas was born, he was immediately transferred to the NICU, where he remains to this day, while being subjected to all the required pre-op tests and receiving the required medical care and medication. To our surprise, the newborn baby’s health condition began to gradually improve! His heart is functioning better than expected, while he can breathe on his own! The medical team who monitors his condition concluded that the baby will need 2 heart surgeries, as opposed to the 3 surgeries that were already scheduled!
    According to the prenatal ultrasounds, the pulmonary valve stenosis seemed to be greatly affecting the baby’s circulatory system and oxygen levels. However, as days went by, his heart functions and oxygen levels began to improve.
    Our beloved Achilleas won his first battle, which spared him from the open heart surgery that was scheduled just a few days after his birth. In 6 months from now, he will have to travel to Istanbul, where he will be subjected to a crucial open heart surgery, which will include both procedures to his little heart. Despite the hardship many of our fellow citizens are facing, their response was immediate and extremely touching. In just a few days, we managed to gather the sum of 76.530,57 Euros, we arranged the mother’s admission in order to deliver her baby, we arranged the family’s transportation and lodging, while we also made a down payment for the baby’s heart surgery.
    The funds that have been raised will be used for the baby’s surgery which will take place in 6 months. Our aid campaign will remain active until we reach our funding goal!
    We stand by this family’s side, while anxiously waiting for any new development!


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