Category: Χωρίς κατηγορία - Page 7 - Πράξη Αγάπης
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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Category: Χωρίς κατηγορία

Χωρίς κατηγορία

“Elpida”, the cultural society of the municipality of Skydra, is throwing a “Concert of Kindness”, on Wednesday, July 14th, at 9:00 pm, at the Open Theater of the municipality of Skydra. All ticket revenue will be raised for Maria-Eleni’s surgery! 

Let’s all enjoy a magical evening dedicated to Maria-Eleni!

We will all be there!   


Zafeiris Melas

Vasilis Mpatis

Evita Sereti

Nikos Romanos

Konstantinos Sarbinos

Avgi Triantafilidou

Stavros Pazarentsis

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Thanks to your defining contribution, Vasilis’ health has shown great improvement. He still remains home, where he is being submitted to all the necessary treatments, while he is being cared for by his father and little sister. If his condition remains stable, he will soon be transferred to a specialized medical center along with the candidate donor, in order to verify their compatibility. His mother’s condition has also shown great improvement, thanks to the care of the medical and nursing stuff of the rehabilitation clinic. She now has full control of her abdominal muscles, as well as parts of her left hand. The attending doctors feel very optimistic about her condition. The mother keeps on fighting, while praying for the best possible outcome for her and her son.  

We would like to kindly thank all of you for supporting this family. The little boy and the mother still have a long way to go, but thanks to your defining contribution, the “Act of Kindness” organization will keep on supporting this family for as long as needed.

We will keep you updated.

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Georgia-Sofia is a sixteen-year-old girl from Preveza who urgently needs our help!

On July of 2017, Georgia-Sofia, who was thirteen years old at the time, had been in a car accident with her parents. She had sustained massive craniocerebral injuries and she was rushed to the hospital of Preveza. Following the doctors’ orders, she was transferred to the General Hospital of Ioannina G. Hatzikostas and three days later she was transferred to the University Hospital of Ioannina, where she was subjected to a craniectomy. A month later, she was transferred to the ICU of the Children’s Hospital “P. & A. Kyriakou”, where the attending doctors came to the conclusion that her condition didn’t require any more surgeries, since she was in a vegetative state. Following doctors’ orders, on September of 2017, the young girl was once again transferred to a private rehabilitation clinic in Larissa, in order to be treated by physiatrist. From November till December of the same year, Georgia-Sofia was subjected to three cranioplasty surgeries. The operations were successful and her eye contact gradually started to improve. The young girl returned to the rehabilitation clinic in order to proceed with her treatments and in August of 2020 she finally returned home. Thanks to her two-year hospitalization, and thanks to the tremendous help of the attending physicians, Georgia-Sofia’s condition has shown some improvement.  

However, she still has a long way to go, since, according to the official medical report, she suffers from spastic quadriplegia and has a 95% disability rating. The attending doctors have strongly recommended that she proceeds with her physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions, since she cannot function on her own. 

Her parents have never left her side doing everything they possibly can in order to alleviate her suffering. Her mother was also severely injured in the car accident, therefore she cannot work or care for her daughter. The father had to quit his job since he had to take care of his wife and daughter. The parents had rented an apartment in Larissa, so that they could be close to their daughter during her hospitalization in the rehabilitation clinic. Even though a part of the expenses was paid by their health insurance, Georgia-Sofia’s condition has taken a toll on the parents, both financially and emotionally. Today, the family cannot afford the recommended treatments for their daughter’s recovery. 

Together, we can help Georgia-Sofia get her life back! 

Together, we can stand by this family!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

After a long-term hospitalization, Vasilis got discharged from the hospital, where was diagnosed with a rare form of chronic granulomatous disease, which requires a bone marrow transplant. All this time, he was subjected to all the necessary treatments, while being closely monitored by the medical and nursing stuff. When his condition got stabilized, the attending doctors recommended that he should return home, until a compatible bone marrow donor was found. Following doctor’s orders, the little guy returned home, where he now receives his treatments in a fully sterilized environment. He has managed to gain some weight and he frequently visits the hospital in order to be subjected to the necessary tests. His father and little sister are taking good care of him and thanks to your defining contribution they have managed to overcome their daily struggles. 

But the problems of this family don’t stop here. While the baby was struggling to stay alive, the mother suffered a heart attack and was rushed to the UCI of the University Hospital. The doctors managed to keep her stabilized, but the mother suffered acute quadriplegia. Currently, she is unable to move and function properly therefore she is being hospitalized to a rehabilitation center, where she is subjected to a series of treatments in order to get better. We still don’t know how long it’s going to take until the mother makes a full recovery, since her condition depends on various factors. The mother wasn’t informed about her baby’s condition until recently, since this information could have had a negative impact on her already critical condition. Due to these difficult circumstances the father is unable to work, since he has to take care of his wife and children. 

We would like to kindly thank all of you for supporting this family! The boy and the mother still have a long way to go, but thanks to your defining contribution, the “Act of Kindness” organization will keep on supporting this family for as long as needed.  

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Dimitrios is a ten-year-old boy from the town of Irakleia in Serres.

The little boy suffers from spastic quadriplegia that was caused by encephalitis, after contracting a type B influenza. 

In 2018, after manifesting flu-like symptoms, Dimitrios went into a coma and he was rushed to the hospital. He remained hospitalized for three months in the PICU of “Ippokrateio” General Hospital of Thessaloniki. The little boy was then diagnosed with encephalitis that caused severe cognitive impairment and complete paralysis of the lower extremities. He then remained hospitalized for two more months in the Pediatrics Clinic of the same hospital, and after doctor’s recommendations, he was transferred to a rehabilitation clinic. After being subjected to all the necessary treatments, he returned home in order to receive physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions. All these years, his family has never left his side, struggling in order to provide him with everything he needs. This situation has worn out his parents both financially and emotionally, as his condition requires a lot of expensive treatments. The little boy needs care around the clock therefore his parents are unable to work. Currently, his condition remains stable, but due to financial difficulties, he cannot receive the necessary treatments. 

Let us all help, so that this little boy can proceed with his treatments and have a better quality of life!


Χωρίς κατηγορία

Stylianos Mastrokyriakakis is a 55-year-old man who lives in Crete.

After an acute ischemic cerebral episode that he suffered in June of 2020, he is still struggling to get back on his feet, since he and his family are unable to afford the cost for his physiotherapy treatments. 

Mr. Mastrokyriakakis has spent most of his adult life working as a farmer in the rural area of Crete, in order to raise his four children. In 2019, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He immediately underwent surgery and radiation treatments, but due to his condition, he had to quit working. In May of 2019, he was once again hospitalized due to a heart attack. All of these years, his wife and children have never left his side, while supporting him in every way possible. 

Due to the acute ischemic cerebral episode that he recently suffered, he needs care around the clock, provided by his wife. As a consequence, she is not able to work in order to provide for her family.  The attending physicians have strongly recommended that he underwent a series of physiotherapy sessions in order to get back on his feet. Unfortunately, the family cannot afford these treatments. Due to the severe health problems that he has been facing for the past year and a half, Mr. Mastrokyriakakis doesn’t have a job or health insurance. His condition remains critical and if he doesn’t get the right treatments, the damage might become irreversible! 


Χωρίς κατηγορία

Aggelos is a six-year-old boy who has been suffering from brain cancer since the age of three. 

The onset of his condition was in early 2017 when, after manifesting headaches and mobility issues, he had his first MRI. On July 14th of the same year, he underwent a brain surgery, where he was diagnosed with stage 3 Ependymoma. He was then submitted to chemotherapy and radiation treatment, in order to eliminate the cancer cells.

 After the successful outcome of his treatments, the doctors recommended regular check-ups. 

In April of 2020, during one of his routine check-ups, the doctors discovered two new brain tumors. He immediately underwent another surgery in order to remove the tumors, as well as a new round of chemo. It seems like Aggelos still has a long way ahead of him, since the chemotherapy is debilitating his system. Currently, the little boy is unable to receive food orally, since the rounds of chemo have caused him to experience stomach problems. He now receives nutrition through a feeding tube which is attached to him wherever he goes. Clearly exhausted by all these medical procedures, the little boy cannot go to school or keep up with the daily activities of children his age. 

His family has never left his side, doing everything in their power to alleviate his suffering. The little boy needs care around the clock therefore his parents are unable to work until he gets better. The cost for his treatments, as well as the daily living expenses, has worn out his parents, both financially and emotionally. 

Let us all contribute so that this little child can fight for his life!


Χωρίς κατηγορία

Anastasia is a three-year-old little girl, who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Her diagnosis has also been confirmed by the Disability Certification Centre.

 According to her medical records, the girl started to develop symptoms of psychokinetic delay when she was four months old and since then her condition has been deteriorating. Today, the little girl has a 90% disability rating and she is suffering from excruciating pain. Until this day, the attending doctors haven’t been able to find the right treatment for her. Following the doctors’ recommendations, the little girl is being submitted to physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions twice a week, at the Public Rehabilitation Center. Unfortunately, her condition is not showing any signs of improvement, since due to the cerebral paralysis, she cannot perform basic functions, such as swallowing, moving or sleeping. For the last three years, her parents have been doing whatever they possibly can in order to alleviate her suffering. They are desperately trying to find physicians who are specialized on this disorder. However, the cost for these treatments is immense. 

Let us all contribute so that Anastasia can have a better quality of life!


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