Category: Δράσεις - Page 4 - Πράξη Αγάπης

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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece


MELISA – November 20, 2021 – 19

In the context of the World Children's Day celebrations, we have organized a field trip for the children who reside in "Melissa", the girl’s orphanage of Thessaloniki.

Filled with joy and excitement, members of the "Act of Kindness" organization welcomed these young ladies to the "Ziogas Western City" estate, where they all participated in outdoor activities in a magical scenery of alternative tourism. The field trip was sponsored by the "Act of Kindness" organization, while following all the necessary safety measures.

The children were educated on the history of the estate, they visited all the facilities and after a short horseback riding tutorial, they got to ride their own horses. Afterwards, they went for a walk in nature, learned to do archery and in the afternoon, they all enjoyed a barbecue meal outdoors. They discussed about this amazing experience, their hopes and dreams and they also received some symbolic gifts form the representatives of our organization. 

Just before sunset, we said goodbye and promised to meet again at some other magical place.

We would like to thank the Administration and especially the Director of the Orphanage, Mrs. Vassiliou Mavrou for the trust, the cooperation and the positive mood!


Always envisioning a better world, members of the "Act of Kindness" organization, visited the fire-ravaged village of Vilia, in order to donate school supplies and presents to more than two hundred children. The volunteers visited a number of facilities in the area and offered "packages of kindness" to kindergarten, elementary school, middle school and high school students.


Aiming to offer a sense of relief to our fellow citizens who have been affected by the recent wildfires, members of the "Act of Kindness" organization visited the community of Pisia, in order to provide them with some basic necessities. Thanks to the donation of essential items by "Lidl Hellas", and in collaboration with the president of the community of Pisia, Mr. Dimitrios Lambrou, a person filled with energy and sensitivity, we have managed to provide food, water bottles and hygiene products to the residents of the villages of Vamvakes, Mavrolimni and Schinos.


In the context of our customary distributions, we have successfully completed yet another mission of kindness for this holiday season. Following all the necessary safety measures, and always with a smile on their face, our volunteers offered “Easter packages of kindness” to our fellow citizens in need!


In defiance of our time and during the second lockdown due to the pandemic, we kept on distributing packages with essential items, clothing and toys, to children and families. Thanks to the defining contribution of so many people, we managed to spread smiles and hope to families in need, all over Greece. 

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The “van of kindness” travels across the country with one and only mission: to offer a helping hand to children and families in need!


The voluntary blood donation that was organized by the "Act of Kindness" organization, in collaboration with the "Ippokrateio" General Hospital of Thessaloniki, took place on Sunday, November 24th, at the city hall of Thessaloniki, and turned out to be a great success. The presence of the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr. Konstantinos Zervas, of the Vice Mayor of Social Affairs, Mr. Haris Aidonopoulos and of the president of Medionpron, the International Center of Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, Mr. Konstantinos Fanariotis, was a solid proof that the competent bodies do engage in acts that promote the general welfare.  

The public’s response was immediate, since many of our fellow citizens turned up in order to perform an act of kindness. What was particularly surprising was the fact that many of the people who showed up were of a young age and also in groups. This shows that the institution of blood donation grows stronger over time. 

The event was organized under the support of the Vice Mayor of Social Affairs.


Thanks to the generous contribution of firewood, we have managed to offer a warm home to families in need during the hard winter.


We daily make sure that we offer our services to people in need. Every Wednesday, in the context of the program

«We can» , at the farmers’ market we collect fresh fruit and vegetables, donated by fruit producers at the farmers’ market of the Toumpa area, in order to distribute them to families in need.

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