Category: εκστρατείες - Πράξη Αγάπης
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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Category: εκστρατείες


Update on Alexandros’s condition

Today, Alexandros Efraimidis attended his first scheduled appointment in the Essen University Hospital. For the next few days he will be submitted to all the necessary tests, in order for the doctors to get an insight into his current state of health. The results will then be evaluated by the medical stuff, so that they can provide him with the best possible treatment. The course of treatments will begin on March 10th of 2021. 

We would like to kindly thank all of you for supporting this family throughout this ordeal!

The “Act of Kindness” organization will stand by this family’s side, for anything they might need, until Alexandros makes a full recovery. 

We will keep you updated!

Date: 24-02-21


Update on Alexandros’ condition

Together we’ve made it happen! 

Within a week, we have managed to gather 49,000 euros, a sum that will cover Alexandros’ course of treatments at the Essen University Hospital, as well as other expenses, such as lodging, transportation, alimentation and translation services for Alexandros and his mother.  The plane tickets have already been booked. The medical tests procedure will begin on February 24th and the course of treatments will begin on March 10th.

The medical tests procedure will begin on February 24th and the course of treatments will begin on March 10th. It’s estimated that he will remain there for approximately two months. 

Today, on February 12th of 2021, the family made a deposit of 37,000 euros into the Essen University Hospital’s bank account (29,000 euros that are required for the course of treatment, plus 8,000 euros as a warranty, in case there are additional expenses during his hospitalization). The rest of the money will be given to the family in order to cover the rest of their expenses while in Germany.   

On behalf of the family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your immediate support and your defining contribution. 

The “Act of Kindness” organization will stand by this family’s side, for anything they might need, until Alexandros makes a full recovery. 

We will keep you updated!

Date: 12-02-21


Alexandros Efraimidis is a 21-year-old young man from Thessaloniki, who urgently needs our help.

In November of 2019, Alexandros was diagnosed with a malignant jaw tumor. He underwent a biopsy that suggested adenoid cystic carcinoma. The young man was submitted to chemotherapy rounds that were completed in September of 2020. According to the attending doctors, the tumor is inoperable, since due to its location, an operation could put his life at serious risk. 

Given the metastatic nature of his tumor, the doctors recommended that he were submitted to photon radiation. His family did a lot of research in order to find the best possible treatment for their son. Finally, they stumbled upon a specialized treatment, known as proton treatment, which is conducted in the West German Proton Therapy Centre, of the Essen University Hospital. After a throughout review of his medical records, the Oncology department came to the conclusion that “Proton therapy is much more efficient compared to conventional radiation treatment. Proton therapy is based on charged particles therefore the distribution of the dosage is more selective, compared to other radiation methods. This way, the healthy tissue, is far more protected”. 

The total cost for the course of treatments amounts to approximately 29,000 euros. This sum does not include other expenses, such as lodging and transportation for him and his mother, who has to accompany him to Germany during his hospitalization. Based on his age and the spread of the cancer cells, the chief of Radiation Oncology Clinic, as well as the attending physicians, strongly recommended that Alexandros proceeds with the proton treatment. However, the National Organization for the Provision of Health Services denied their request for covering any of the costs, claiming that this type of cancer can be in fact treated by any other radiation treatment, which is available in Greece.  Alexandros’ parents are divorced. His mother has never left his side throughout this ordeal therefore she is currently unable to work. It’s completely understandable that both mother and son want the best possible treatment, that won’t jeopardize his health. Unfortunately, his mother cannot afford the required expenses for his treatment in Germany. The young man’s chemo rounds ended four months ago, while it’s imperative that he proceeds with his treatments in order to make a full recovery. 

Let us all contribute to save this young man’s life! 










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