Category: Εκδηλώσεις & Συνεργασίες - Page 5 - Πράξη Αγάπης
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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Category: Events & Collaborations

Events & CollaborationsNEWS

The Child & Family Protection Organization ''Act of Love'' "recommends" to its families the Make-A-Wish (Make-A-Wish Greece)!

It is with great joy and excitement that we inform you that our Organization has started an optimistic collaboration with Make-A-Wish (Make-A-Wish Greece)! The “Act of Love” henceforth “recommends” to the families it supports, the project of Make-A-Wish Greece and urges the children who meet the criteria to join the organization for the fulfillment of their wish.

Make-A-Wish (Make-A-Wish Greece) fulfills wishes of children aged 3-18 who suffer from very serious diseases and have been diagnosed in Greece. Research shows that granting these children’s wishes is an integral part of the healing journey, which is why the organization is committed to granting the wishes of every child who meets the criteria, without any demand from the family.

Granting the wish of seriously ill children is not a gift, nor is it a temporary thing that brings only joy. Each child’s wish journey is unique and special. The anticipation and excitement for the fulfillment of his wish becomes hope, and hope turns into emotional and physical strength necessary for the difficult struggle they are fighting. At the same time, the whole family experiences this valuable experience. It is a journey that ALSO aims at the mental empowerment of parents who see their child smile again and believe in tomorrow.

The conditions for the fulfillment of a child’s wish are the following:

  • Child or adolescent, aged 3 to 18 years.
  • Has been diagnosed with a serious life-threatening illness*.
  • Has not received a wish from another Make-A-Wish Branch.


*You can see the eligibility diseases in detail here.

In case you wish to proceed with the fulfillment of your wish, you can contact Make-A-Wish Greece directly, mentioning that you learned about the project from “Act of Kindness”, at the following details.

Κεντρική KIDOT
ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

With enthusiasm and great joy, we participated in KIDOTthe largest family celebration of Northern Greece, on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October, at the exhibition area of the TIF. Volunteers and representatives of our organization became a great company with hundreds of young and old visitors and with the people of the festival who welcomed us with warmth from the very first moment! With the decisive contribution of the skilled teachers, Katerina Perrou and Anastasia Meletiadou, all the children were transformed into artists and, guided by their imagination, painted with a love theme and canvas fabrics, bags and cassettes for a good cause. The artistic creations of all the participants will be made available to the public in order to bring joy and smiles to children in need all over Greece! At the same time, our volunteers and all of us were at booth 28, informing you about the action and our work, listening to your original ideas and meeting old and new friends. Thanks to your presence we were overflowing with joy and creativity and today we are ready to put your loving ideas into practice!

INITIATIVESEvents & CollaborationsNEWS

The publications of the Act of Κindness Organization present for the first time the illustrated fairy tale "When An met fear" in a video with narration in Greek and at the same time in Greek sign language and offer it for free to all children!

..because all children have a right to fairy tales!

We sincerely thank the author of the fairy tale and teacher, Mariza Koutsospyrou, for the audio description and rendering of the fairy tale in sign language.

The printed version of the fairy tale "When An Met Fear" is available in the Organization's e-shop and you will find it at the following link:

Events & CollaborationsNEWS

Octagon Submission 3 was successfully completed on Saturday, July 9, at the Royal Hotel, in Peraia, under the auspices of the Hellenic Martial Arts Federation and with the support of the Municipality of Thermaikos.The event had a charitable character with the aim of presenting as well as supporting the work and actions of our Organization. 

With great interest we watched the friendly matches of the athletes and with great joy we communicated the vision and values of the Act of Kindness!Athletes from all over northern Greece participated in the games and gave a fantastic spectacle in matches with Octagon Submission rules, while the Deputy Mayor of Culture and Sports, Mr. Panagiotis Trokanas, also attended.

Many thanks to the Organizers for the invitation and warm hospitality!

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Events & CollaborationsNEWS

The presentation of the Organization’s new collectible fairytale, turned out to be a great success!

Lambros Konstantaras along with the author, Mariza Koutsospyrou, and all of the students of the School of Graphic Design and 3D Animation of @iekakmiedu, who participated in the making of the magazine’s visual elements, presented the original fairytale by the title of “When If met with Fear” and amazed the audience of this special event, which took place in the crowed Institute’s auditorium ‘Alexander the Great’!

This collectible fairytale is available for purchase in order to support children and families in need all around Greece. You can purchase the fairytale through the Organization’s e-shop, by simply clicking on the following link: (This purchase is only available for Greek residents)

We would like to kindly thank all of the people who participated in the making of this unique edition, as well as Lambros Konstantaras for his amazing presentation and overall support of this project!



good fairy 1
Events & CollaborationsNEWS

Goodfairy is a social enterprise, which is active in the field of insurance mediation. Acquire your car insurance through GoodFairy and support a non-profit organization, by buying or renewing your car insurance policy (annual policy, six-month policy or three-month policy). Goodfairy will deposit 10% of your insurance premium – net of commission – to a non-profit organization of your preference. This way, you will be able to support in action the Act of Kindness organization’s effort and provide Love and Warmth to children and families in need. Visit and learn more ways you can help make the world a better place, simply by modifying the way you acquire your car insurance policy on line.


Events & Collaborations

The “Baristas Official” coffeehouse chain, in collaboration with the “Act of Kindness” organization, performed an act of kindness, by selflessly donating part of the sales revenue to the Organization, in order to support children who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems.  

Events & Collaborations

The students of Anatolia High School and the company “Joom” performed an “act of kindness”! Using materials kindly sponsored by the company “Joom”, and under the guidance of the Head of the Visual Arts Department, Mrs. Christine Douris, the students of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program of Anatolia High School created a series of collectable items that were donated to the Organization in order to support children who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems. The items created by these young artists were displayed on 17th, 18th and 19th of December, at the “Asterocosmos” Christmas Park located at the International Fair of Thessaloniki.

35X50 PRIGIPS 03
Events & Collaborations

On Sunday, December 12th he Theatre Company “Mikros Vorras” performed the famous children’s play “The Little Prince”, in order to support little Marianthi’s rehabilitation. According to the unanimous decision of “Amalia” theatre’s administration and the play’s producers, all ticket revenue was donated through the Organization to Marianthi’s family, in order to save this two-and-a-half-year-old girl’s life.        

December 01, 2021-9
Events & Collaborations

The "Act of Kindness" organization, in collaboration with "Papasotiriou" patisserie chain, created the sweetest "cookie of kindness". Part of the sales revenue (1 euro per cookie) was donated to the Organization, in order to support children who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems.  

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