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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Category: NEWS

Δεκαπενταύγουστος 2024

The Dormition of the Mother of God! 

On this day, we celebrate the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Christ, the patroness of all humanity!

Let us all celebrate this Great Feast of Orthodoxy, with our eyes focused on our fellow citizens, and let the grace of Mary fill our souls with love, solidarity and hope for a better future!

Happy Epiphany day!


The new episode of the ”Greece of Solidarity’’ series, which is a production of the Act of Kindness Organization, is presenting the future PROTAGONISTS of RESUSCITATION, as well as the amazing work performed by the Board of Directors of the Humanitarian Organization “KIDS SAVE LIVES”, who are always driven by the concept of solidarity and of helping others.

Στιγμιότυπο οθόνης 2024-06-26 141626

On the air of @talkradio989 and ALPHA radio, with @nikolaskamakaris, we had the chance to engage in a rather interesting conversation, regarding issues of gender-based violence, while discussing the first digital app, which can prevent such incidents from happening. OLGA ( is an app created by our Organization. We kindly thank you for this interview and for supporting our Organization’s efforts!



Today, we honor the Father, this great person who becomes our hero from the moment we are born! 

He is the pillar of the family and he is always here for us, lighting our path in every step of the way, always with a love that knows no limits!

Happy Father’s day to all dads out there!


The name of the platform is a tribute to 41-year-old Olga Dimitrakopoulou, who ended up being brutally beaten by her ex-partner, after months of hospitalization and rehabilitation efforts with the support of the Organization Act of love.

Read the full article here!


Thanks to you, our Organization is daily turning love into action for our fellow citizens and for those who love to help out. 

Aiming to support the efforts of solidarity and mutual aid of the Municipality of Kalamaria’s food bank, we have come here to offer medication, which are in high demand and which are essential for the food bank’s effectiveness.

We kindly thank the deputy mayor of Social Justice and Public Health, Mrs. Olimpia Antonoudi, as well as the pharmacist of the Municipality of Kalamaria’s food bank, for their warm welcome, their ongoing offer towards their fellow citizens and the support they have been showing for our charity work.


Παγκόσμια Ημέρα κατά των Εγκεφαλικών Όγκων

“We must live our lives healthy and happy”! 

Today, one year after the battle she fought in order to beat a rare form of brain tumors, Nikolia is sharing a message of Love and Hope with the world!

Despite the challenges and the hardship this diagnosis can bring, our little hero is here to remind us that “Anything is possible as long as we have people who love us”!

We are wishing her a bright future full of health and victories!



We kindly thank @naftemporiki TV and the journalist, Mrs. @christinakousouni, for conducting this interview regarding issues of gender-based violence and regarding our digital app OLGA, as well as for their warm hospitality during the Naftemporiki Magazine talk show!

Παγκόσμια Ημέρα Περιβάλλοντος ΚΕΝΤΡΙΚΗ

Over the past 20 years, the people who have been working for "Callisto", the wildlife and nature conservation society, have been a bright example for all of us, while contributing in the conservation of nature and wildlife, as well as in the harmonious coexistence between animals and humans. 

The protagonists of Callisto are reminding us that caring for the environment in action, is beneficial for us, for our quality of life and for our future.  

This episode of the ”Greece of Solidarity’’ series, is showing us how to embrace our planet by performing acts of gratitude. 

Because the protection of the environment is our duty and it requires actions instead of words!



A new platform to protect women over the age of 16, victims of violence, provides free support in real time and aims to prevent incidents of gender-based violence while acting as a preventive digital tool.

Read the full article here!

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