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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Category: NEWS


πρώτη εφαρμογή στην Ελλάδα για την προστασία γυναικών μέσω διαδικτυακής υποστήριξης, παρουσιάστηκε στη Θεσσαλονίκη, στο πλαίσιο της παγκόσμιας ημέρας για την εξάλειψη της βίας κατά των γυναικών.

Read the full article here!

Events & CollaborationsΜΜΕNEWS

Personalities of the city's public life, official representatives of institutions, distinguished personalities from the business, journalistic, sports and artistic world, academics and scientists in the field of health, speak about the need for vigilance and action on the issue of violence against women at the event organized by the "Act of Love" Organization in cooperation with the Historical Military Vehicles Association - SISO. The event was presented by the journalist Christina Kanataki who addressed a message of Solidarity to every woman along with the beloved presenter Fay Skorda, the Deputy Head of the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki Voula Patoulidou, the Deputy Head of Social Solidarity and Health of Central Macedonia Melina Maria Dermendzopoulou and the Deputy Head of Digital Governance Angelos Haristeas.

On this unique day, the opportunity was given to start a dialogue in order to take a position for the future of women with constant vigilance and action. The beginning was made with the valuable digital tool created by our Organization, in order to contribute decisively to the elimination of the phenomenon.

In the near future, the OLGA application will be available for the first time in Greece, enabling women, victims of violence, to communicate in real time and through text messages with competent staff of psychologists and social workers of private and state structures.

Stay tuned.



Το Σάββατο 25 Νοεμβρίου στις 12:00, στο πλαίσιο της Παγκόσμιας Ημέρας για την εξάλειψη της Βίας κατά των Γυναικών, η Φαίη Σκορδά, η Αντιπεριφερειάρχης Μητροπολιτικής Ενότητας Θεσσαλονίκης Βούλα Πατουλίδου και ο Αντιπεριφερειάρχης Ψηφιακής Διακυβέρνησης Άγγελος Χαριστέας θα δώσουν το παρών, στην φιλανθρωπικό lunch, που διοργανώνει ο Οργανισμός «Πράξη Αγάπης» σε συνεργασία με τον Σύλλογο  Ιστορικών Στρατιωτικών Οχημάτων-Σ.Ι.Σ.Ο..

Read the full article here!


The ''Act of Love'' Organization is a proud supporter of the 9th Voluntary Blood Donation, which is dedicated to our fellow human beings suffering from thalassemia (thalassemia), 24 & 25 November at H.A.N.TH.
A co-organization of 20 social actors. A.A.N., Philoptochos Brotherhood of Men of Thessaloniki, Philoptochos Brotherhood of Ladies of Thessaloniki, Women Without Borders, Interbalkan Cooperation Unesco Centre, POPG Thermaides, PASG Kallipateira (Thessaloniki Branch), Achtida, Rural Children's Nest BE, Friends of the American Farm School, SOS Children's Village of Plagiario, Pigi Zois, Greek Thalassaemia Association, PRO. T.E.K.T.A. Thessaloniki, Association of Friendship between Greece and Israel, IWOG (International Women's Organization of Greece), RED-Y, Ipatia - Lions Club of Thessaloniki, Association of Women Scientists of Thessaloniki, Hellenic Children's Village of Filyros.
HELP HELLAS, IMEROESSSA, PRACTICE OF LOVE, Municipal Council of Young People of Thessaloniki, National Blood Donation Centre of Greece.
*The event is under the auspices of the Region of Central Macedonia, the Municipalities of Thessaloniki, Kalamaria, Pylaia - Hortiatis, the National Blood Donation Center.
Artistic & Educational Programs HANTH HANTH Sports Chantropakia Kindergarten Camp Hanth Ag.Nikolaos Chalkidiki School of Executives HANTH - Youth Leadership Training HANTH- Kalamaria Branch- YMCA Kalamaria Branch YMCA Thessaloniki Social Action

Events & CollaborationsNEWS

We were delighted to participate in the Connected We Stand Festival, which was held for the fourth consecutive year, by IASIS NGO, InfinityGreece, ESN Thessaloniki, EPSYKA, CHANTH, AddArt & the Municipality of Thessaloniki. Together with more than 86 organizations of the city, we actively participated by discussing with visitors and representatives of other organizations about ideas and acts of solidarity and offer. During the event, we were visited by the Deputy Mayor of Sports, Youth and Volunteerism, Mr. Zimbekis Nikos, with whom we discussed about our action and he stressed once again that the Municipality supports the work of our Organization. 

High light of our presence, the interactive game Hidden Treasure Hunt in which more than 20 people of all ages, saw the world through the glasses of Love, accepted and carried out challenges on the theme of Solidarity and together we all enjoyed unique moments of entertainment and teamwork. 

Thank you for your hospitality and we look forward to the next event!


The overall action of the Emergency Humanitarian Aid Mission of our Organization in Thessaly, which was carried out in cooperation and with the decisive contribution of the SYLLOGUE OF HISTORICAL MILITARY VEHICLES SISSO, the Selected Special Missions Team of Greece and the Mediterra Institute, on the initiative of our Organization, and the shocking moments we experienced in a video!
A specialized team of Act of Love together with a properly trained team, rescuers and special vehicles went to the affected areas and after an autopsy distributed 7 tons of items (food, beverages, bottled water, cleaning products, medical care, mosquito repellent, cots, bedding, equipment and tools, car batteries, lubricants, animal feed, etc.).
Once again Lidl Hellas has actively supported our work and our fellow human beings by offering free of charge the 3 tons of essentials for our emergency mission. The rest of the items were purchased with our own resources. One of the targeted actions on the fronts was the temporary installation of a kitchen in the Municipality of Palamas and the daily preparation of fresh meals by professionals. In total and thanks to S.I.S.O. we provided more than 1,500 meals which we distributed directly while we carried out continuous distributions of essentials in cooperation with the Selected Special Missions Team of Greece to the homes of our affected fellow citizens and to the animals in the wider area of Palamas that are facing vital problems. Dry food, medical supplies, cleaning equipment but also shovels, brooms, shovels, brooms, shovels.
We delivered the necessary items to the Commander of the Thessaly Fire Service and we visited the Larissa Operations Centre that has been set up in the Thessaly Region, offering part of the items there as well.
We thank all those who actively participated and actively supported this difficult project in adverse and unprecedented conditions for our country.
With respect and sincere support for our fellow human beings we remain at their disposal and we commit ourselves to be at their side in every way for as long as necessary!
We continue to dynamically and actively stand by the side of the people who need us!
Only together will we succeed!


The shocking images we saw and the chilling testimonies of Evros residents, as recorded by the camera of the "Act of Love" during the 5th Emergency Aid Mission of our Organization! 

Considering the dire situation in the region of Evros and Rodopi, which have been affected for days by the fire, we carried out yet another Emergency Assistance Mission. After research, communications and in cooperation with representatives of the Red Cross and the Fire Brigade and at their request, we obtained 100 specialized Respiratory Protection Masks and 120 special air filters from the company Draeger GR, which we delivered to the competent authorities to be distributed to all the fighters fighting on the front line in Evros and Rodopi. More specifically, the masks were delivered to the "Olympos" Operations Center that coordinates all aerial and ground firefighting operations in Evros Prefecture, to the Komotini Fire Department where we delivered them to the Fire Corps Commander, Mr. Konstantinos Papazoglou, to the Social Grocery Store of Alexandroupolis and to volunteers in active fire fronts. 

The Respiratory Protection Masks were purchased, after a special order, by our Organization from the Draeger company, which we thank very much for the special price, immediate mobilization and delivery.  

We would like to thank Lidl Hellas for the donation of essential items to our Organization in order to distribute them to our fellow human beings in these areas.

We sincerely thank the Hellenic Red Cross - Hellenic Red Cross and especially the Head of the Regional Section of Komotini, Mr. Konstantinos Imanimidis, for the cooperation and the overall selfless contribution to the fire fronts.

We continue together for a better world! 

All together united we can achieve everything!



Events & CollaborationsNEWS

It was with great pleasure that we participated in the IASIS | At Work Social Workers networking meeting on the cooperation and networking of Public and Private Institutions in order to better and more efficiently serve our beneficiaries and to develop new partnerships and actions for an even better world. 

*We would like to thank the Iasis at Work team for the excellent hospitality, initiative and υλοποίηση”.

Events & CollaborationsNEWS

Our Social Grocery in cooperation with Boroume and with the practical support of the ''Boroume in Laiki'' program offered more than 6 tons of fruits and vegetables to more than 200 families and 500 children of Northern Greece throughout the year and specifically for the period January-June 2023. The popular market of Kalamaria and Toumba through the participating producers and professionals offered and continue to offer to our Organization with the sole purpose of supporting vulnerable groups. 

Through the ''We can at the farmers' market'' programme, fellow human beings in need are supported in a meaningful, dignified and practical way, while at the same time the farmers' markets reduce the waste of usable surplus food with beneficial results for the environment.

We would like to thank Boroume and the producers of the farmers' markets for their support and confidence in the work of our organization.


The Organization Act of Love, realizing the need for immediate intervention in the battlefields of the fire fronts, organized and carried out emergency Humanitarian Aid Missions of specialized representatives in order to provide practical relief and support to all the people who are fighting with the fire in areas of Greece. By listening to the needs of the affected areas and thanks to your decisive contribution and support, from 16 July until today, our team in cooperation with agencies, organizations and individuals has managed to deliver a total of 15.7 tons of humanitarian aid with essentials, food, water, medicines and health material to areas of Attica, Rhodes and Chios. More specifically, we distributed 15. 000 litres of bottled water, 200 kg of essentials (isotonics, galettes, biscuits, nuts, bars), 250 kg of animal feed, 150 kg of pharmaceuticals (gauze, IVs, burn creams, antiseptics, painkillers) and 100 kg of health material (syringes, masks, gloves) to Fire Services, relevant agencies, volunteers and people on the front line of the battle. 

 But the wounds are still open and the need for support remains. With your support, we can continue to be close to our fellow sufferers, the animals and the environment. Only together, united, will we succeed! We continue our dynamic actions to support and relieve the affected areas of our country.


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