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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Category: NEWS


This Christmas, the “Act of Kindness” organization, in collaboration with “Papasotiriou patisserie chain” in Thessaloniki, puts a smile on children’s faces. 

For every purchased cookie, the patisserie chain will offer one euro to the “Act of Kindness” organization. The raised sum will be offered to children and families who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems! 

You can find the “cookie of kindness” at the following establishments:

6 Pavlos Melas street (city centre)

25 Tsamis Karatasos street (Evosmos area)

100 Antonis Tritsis street (Nea Politeia area)

You can too become a member of this chain of kindness and support our effort!

Photography: George Manos


Under the initiative of the “Act of Kindness” organization, a new aspiring project came to life, in collaboration with “AKMI”, the private institute of vocational education and training. Under the guidance of their professor, 

Mrs. Katerina Vlandoni, the talented sophomore students, who major in 3D Animation, have created the graphic designs of the interactive fairytale by the title of “When If met Fear”   

that was created by the writer and teacher, Mrs. Mariza Koutsospirou. 

The fairytale will be featured in our magazine’s newest issue, and will be distributed all around Greece, in order to support children and families who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems.

During the meeting that was held, the students, filled with excitement, presented their drafts and impressed their professors 

as well as the representatives of the Organization.


Photography: George Manos

MELISA-November-20-2021-23-150×150 (1)

In the context of the World Children's Day celebrations, we have organized a field trip for the children who reside in "Melissa", the girl’s orphanage of Thessaloniki.
Filled with joy and excitement, members of the "Act of Kindness" organization welcomed these young ladies to the "Ziogas Western City" estate, where they all participated in outdoor activities in a magical scenery of alternative tourism. The field trip was sponsored by the "Act of Kindness" organization, while following all the necessary safety measures.
The children were educated on the history of the estate, they visited all the facilities and after a short horseback riding tutorial, they got to ride their own horses. Afterwards, they went for a walk in nature, learned to do archery and in the afternoon, they all enjoyed a barbecue meal outdoors. They discussed about this amazing experience, their hopes and dreams and they also received some symbolic gifts form the representatives of our organization.
Just before sunset, we said goodbye and promised to meet again at some other magical place.
We would like to thank the Administration and especially the Director of the Orphanage, Mrs. Vassiliou Mavrou for the trust, the cooperation and the positive mood!
Εις το επανιδείν ❤️

Photography: George Manos

*In the photos below we can see the principal of the orphanage, Mrs. Mavrou Vasileia, the Treasurer of the Executive Board, Mrs. Mpogiatzi Vagia, the social workers Mrs. Mpitzola Anastasia and Mrs. Voulgari Chrysa, the caregiver Mrs. Gkouma Anastasia and the organization’s PR manager, Mrs. Kaviri Despoina.

Φωτογραφίες: Γιώργος Μάνος


We are proud to participate in the largest street food festival of Northern Greece, "Thessaloniki Street Food Festival 2021" that takes place at the outdoor area of the International Fair of Thessaloniki, from October 21st until October 24th!
Volunteers and members of our organization will be there in order to educate people about our charity work and our effort to support children and families who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems. We look forward to meeting all of you and introduce you to "acts of kindness", at the most famous meeting point of all foodies around the world!




The purpose of this day is to raise awareness on the impact poverty has on society and to emphasize the need to create a world where all people can enjoy equal rights and live with dignity.

According to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, the eradication of poverty isn’t just a matter of philanthropy, but a matter of justice. We hope that the celebration of this day becomes less and less necessary. But until that happens, we must do everything in our power to provide some comfort to our fellow citizens in need. This concerns all of us! 

Ελπίδα όλων μας είναι ο εορτασμός της ημέρας αυτής, να γίνεται σταδιακά όλο και λιγότερο απαραίτητος. <br> </br> Μέχρι να σταματήσει, όμως, να υπάρχει ανάγκη, εμείς θα κάνουμε ό,τι είναι δυνατόν για να προσφέρουμε ανακούφιση σε όσους τη χρειάζονται.




Apart from being a symbol of blindness, the white cane is also an essential tool that gives blind people the ability to move freely and safely from place to place.

The purpose of this day is to raise awareness on the importance of the use of the white cane, but also on the struggle that blind people face in their daily commute.

According to the World Health Organization, roughly 300 millions of people around the world are either blind or experiencing some sort of visual impairment.

Let us all move from words to actions and stand by our fellow citizens!

Because blindness concerns all of us!




The purpose of this day is to raise awareness on mental health issues and to put an end to social exclusion.

“This year’s theme is Mental Health in an Unequal World, and aims to draw attention to the inequalities that exist in the treatment and care of people with mental illness. One of the most neglected dimensions in the broad universe of health is mental health, which is often accompanied by stereotypes, lack of knowledge about specific issues and misinformation. Worldwide, many human rights violations are committed against people with mental disorders: men and women of all ages who already suffer from the stigma and discrimination to which they are subjected, leading to isolation and marginalization”.

World Mental Health Day is a symbolic day to remind us that seeking help is a sign of strength instead of weakness!




"Summer In The City SKG Music Festival" which is held at Aretsou Beach, performs an act of kindness by hosting us at this great event, from Wednesday 29th till Saturday 2nd.
Volunteers and members of our organization will be there in order to educate people about our charity work and our effort to support children and families who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems.
We look forward to meeting all of you and introduce you to "acts of kindness", at the most famous music festival!




“Joom” company performs an act of kindness and encourages all of us to support children and families who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems, all over Greece!

We kindly thank them for their generous offer!


Our thoughts and prayers go out to our fellow citizens who are being challenged by the wildfires and who are struggling to cope with these adverse circumstances.

We wish strength and courage from the bottom of our heart, to all the residents, to the firefighters, to the police officers, but also to the volunteers that fight alongside them.

We stand by your side

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