Category: Γενικά - Page 2 - Πράξη Αγάπης

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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Category: Γενικά

ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

The Vice-Regional Governor of Health and Social Solidarity, Mrs.Dermendzopoulou Melina-Maria, supports the work of our Organization and was pleased to welcome us in her office to discuss solidarity and how it is expressed in our society today.

In a festive atmosphere a few days after the great celebration of Easter, we offered gifts of love for many years to come and exchanged ideas for more acts of love in order to create a better world.

ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

A valuable donation to the Hippocrates of Thessaloniki for all the children of Northern Greece!

In a climate of emotion and joy, the ceremony of donation of valuable evaluation tools from the Organization ''ACT OF KINDNESS'' to the General Hospital of Thessaloniki ''Hippocrateio'' took place in the building of the Center for Developmental Pediatrics "AP.FOKAS" of the 1st Pediatrics Department. In the framework of the collaboration of the Act of Love with the "A.FOKAS" Center for Developmental Pediatrics of the 1st Pediatric Clinic of the General Hospital of Thessaloniki "IPOKRATEIO", the Organization, with its own resources, proceeds to meet an essential need with the donation of valuable assessment tools that allow the diagnosis and better evaluation of children with neurodevelopmental disorders who come for diagnosis. This enables early intervention, which is considered extremely important for the rehabilitation of such disorders, as well as contributing to the overall improvement of the child's functioning and promotion of development.

This donation, apart from being an act of love, is first and foremost an act of duty to a public hospital and by extension to Northern Greece. From today the Center for Developmental Pediatrics "AP.FOKAS" of the General Hospital "IPOKRATEIO" is the only center in Northern Greece that will have a complete package of assessment tools for the entire age range of the children who visit it. A donation of love and support to each child and his/her family. An act of deep gratitude and practical thanks to the medical, nursing and other scientific staff who tirelessly carry out their work.


ΣΥΖΩΗ κεντρική
ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

SYZOI event for 15 years and the first, screening of a clip of the programme "Greece of Solidarity" dedicated to the work of SYZOI (22/3)

With great pleasure we participated in the event celebrating 15 years of operation of the association SYZOI, on Wednesday 22/3 at the Municipal Hall of Thessaloniki, in the presence of the Minister of Macedonia-Thrace, Mr. Tzitzikosta Apostolos, the Deputy Regional Minister of Health and Social Solidarity, Ms. Dermenzopoulou Melina-Maria, the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr. Konstantinos Zervas and the Deputy Mayor of Social Policy, Ms. Ioanna Kosmopoulou. A large number of people attended the celebration and together we all enjoyed the first screening of the episode "Syozoi" of the show "Greece of Solidarity", produced by our Organization, receiving the warmest applause. 

We would like to thank the President Mr. Nikos Kazantzidis, the members of the Board of Directors, the Director Mrs. Rena Radou, the scientific staff and all the parents and children of SYZOI for the great honor and excellent cooperation. We wish wholeheartedly that SYZOI will continue its remarkable work with a vision of a better world!

ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

Very pleasant surprise awaited us at the premises of the Mantoulidis Schools!

An unexpected and very pleasant surprise awaited us at the premises of the Mantoulidis Schools! On the initiative of the English office of the primary school and coordinated by Mrs. Efi Sidiropoulou and Mrs. Maria Tsiangou, in collaboration with Mrs. Lia Chatzistefanou, deputy headmistress and teacher of the Schools, students of the 6th grade collected gifts and toys from students of all classes in order to spread joy to children all over Greece!

Congratulations to our little friends, the teachers and the management of the E. Mantoulidis Schools for this commendable and commendable act of kindness!

Thank you very much!

ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

Voluntary collection of essentials (food, medicines, etc.) was held by the personnel of the Fire Brigade of Greece.

On the initiative of the Πυροσβεστικό Σώμα Ελλάδαςn the context of the festive period of Christmas and the New Year, a voluntary collection of essentials (food, medicines, etc.) was held by the personnel of the Fire Brigade.

The collected items were offered to our Organization as a symbolic gesture of solidarity, support and recognition of our contribution, sending a message of practical solidarity to our fellow human beings in need!

We thank them warmly for their practical support!

ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

. Marketing Club Greece brought Christmas to life at Mistral Seaside Baron Friday, December 16th, with a unique event for a good cause, entitled Together we are stronger, Together we party. Representatives of Marketing Club Greece and the Act of kindness Organization welcomed all the guests on stage, sending their own wishes and mentioning the importance of the Organization's work. At the same time, they urged all guests to do their own good deed during the evening in order to support little Gabriel, the just two-year-old boy who was recently diagnosed with a serious illness and needs us by his side! With the purchase of each raffle ticket, guests had the opportunity to offer a smile, love and hope to a child in need!

The participation exceeded all expectations and thus the amount of 1,600 Euros was collected, which is now available to meet the needs of the little boy and his family!

The participation exceeded all expectations and thus the amount of 1.600 Euros was collected, which is now available to cover the needs of the child and his family! Present during the event, were the members and friends of Marketing Club Greece, businessmen, representatives from the business world, the political scene, the media, celebrities and partners of the Organization, who exchanged wishes for happy holidays and ideas for more acts of kindness.

On behalf of the family of little Gabriel, we would like to thank the President Mr. Tsampikos Kokkaris, the members of the Board of Directors and all the members of Marketing Club Greece for the invitation, the support and the warm hospitality!

ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

A few hours ago, the airlift of our beloved Christina - Areti from Crete to Athens was successfully completed, which was organized and executed under the supervision of the ''Act of Love'' Organization and with its own resources. The airlift of the 28 year old student, who suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2 (SMA), was carried out in cooperation with Greek Flying Doctors, the Crete Ambulance Service and the Attica Rehabilitation Center. The need for the immediate transfer of the young student to the center was imperative as her health condition has deteriorated rapidly and according to the doctors who are monitoring her, her undergoing the necessary treatments is the only hope for a substantial improvement in her quality of life. 

Today we all together managed to offer a first chance to Christina - Areti's life struggle. However, the road is long and we need to stand by her side in order for her to be able to "have a more functional and dignified everyday life" as she says. 

We continue to dynamically support her struggle. Together we can!

*We would like to thank the Director and the Head of the call center of the EKAB Crete for the immediate, positive response and excellent cooperation.

Κεντρική KIDOT
ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

With enthusiasm and great joy, we participated in KIDOTthe largest family celebration of Northern Greece, on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 October, at the exhibition area of the TIF. Volunteers and representatives of our organization became a great company with hundreds of young and old visitors and with the people of the festival who welcomed us with warmth from the very first moment! With the decisive contribution of the skilled teachers, Katerina Perrou and Anastasia Meletiadou, all the children were transformed into artists and, guided by their imagination, painted with a love theme and canvas fabrics, bags and cassettes for a good cause. The artistic creations of all the participants will be made available to the public in order to bring joy and smiles to children in need all over Greece! At the same time, our volunteers and all of us were at booth 28, informing you about the action and our work, listening to your original ideas and meeting old and new friends. Thanks to your presence we were overflowing with joy and creativity and today we are ready to put your loving ideas into practice!

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