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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece


For nine years now, our Social Grocery supports our fellow human beings who need us, thanks to the cooperation of our Organization with Boroume and Social Plate - Central Market of Thessaloniki SA, but also to the donations and sponsorships from companies and individuals and the offer of goods from the producers of the farmers' markets.
The offered items are collected and after very careful sorting, respecting the rules of hygiene, we offer them to families, children and adults in need throughout Northern Greece.
More specifically, from 2014 until today, the Social Grocery has served over 1000 families, and today it supports about 150 families and 300 children by offering on a weekly basis essentials, books, clothing and toys with the decisive contribution of our 50 volunteers.
And we continue to go strong, always with a vision of an even better world!
Thank you for your trust!



A rare form of tumor was threatening her previously healthy life and the 12-year-old girl had to undergo immediate surgery. Due to the high risk the surgery had to be performed abroad. The organization was immediately mobilized and thanks to all of you we were able to offer a new bright course to our little Nikolia.

It was overwhelming the communication channels you all created on social media proving once again that together we can achieve the impossible.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts that in just two 24 hours, people from Greece and abroad, with your selfless offer you saved the little girl!

ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

The Mango store of Mediterranean Cosmos (Official) actively supports our work by offering clothing items to our fellow human beings, children and adults, who are in need all over Greece! We would like to thank Mrs. Emilia Triantafyllou for her positive attitude, excellent cooperation and the whole team of the store

κεντρική 1
ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

Our Organization, in the framework of the action for the creation of a network of social solidarity, volunteerism, mutual aid, in order to activate society and support local institutions, develops initiatives and implements actions to strengthen social structures. In order for more and more people to have full pharmaceutical coverage and a better quality of life, we offer medicines to Municipal Social Pharmacies, which in turn cover the primary health care needs of vulnerable social groups! One of these is the Social Pharmacy of the Municipality of Pavlos Melas. We would like to thank the Mayor of Pavlou Mela, Mr. Dimitris Demourtzidis and the Deputy Mayor of Social Policy, Ms. Hara Amanatidou for supporting our work.

Κεντρική φώτο Airdome
ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

Sport unites us!

With success, humanity and solidarity, the charity basketball game was held today with the young athletes of the G.S. Makampi Basketball Academy of Thessaloniki, in order to honor the work of our Organization. On the initiative of the representatives of the historic team and on the occasion of the donation of the children's jerseys from the Act of Love, we watched the sweet showdown between parents and children in a beautiful and entertaining game just before the end of this year's training sessions! The celebration was graced with the presence of professional basketball players, representatives of the team and our organization and together we all enjoyed the game and exchanged ideas for more acts of love. At the end of the event, our young friends donated essentials to be offered to our fellow human beings in need, while representatives of the Organization distributed symbolic souvenirs to everyone.

We warmly thank the young champions, their families and the representatives of the team and we wholeheartedly wish them a good summer full of such events of love and solidarity!

Till next time!

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Events & Collaborations

With great enthusiasm and joy, the "Act of Love" Organization was present as a supporter of the 8th Voluntary Blood Donation event at CHANTH and donated blood and life to our fellow human beings in need. Representatives of 20 other co-organizers were present, as well as the Deputy Minister of Interior responsible for Macedonia-Thrace issues Mr. Kalafatis Stavros, the Deputy Head of Health and Social Solidarity Mrs. Dermentsopoulou Maria-Melina, the President of CHANTH Mrs. Diallina Maria and the Manager of the Action & Social Offer Sector of CHANTH Mrs. Tzoni Aristi. The 8th voluntary blood donation will take place today, Friday 9 and tomorrow, Saturday 10 June at the main building of CHANTH. Do an act of love, give life to those in need!

ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

Today Andreas climbed on his own bike to continue with optimism the journey of life in the way he dreams! Even the smallest act of love can bring great joy, light and hope. No matter the size. An act of love can be the occasion for an even better world. *We would like to thank the Social Worker Ms. Katerina Koumbalou and the Psychologist Mr. Yannis Bavelis of the 79th Primary School of Thessaloniki for giving us the opportunity to participate in another act of love and offer.

Εξωφυλλο παραμυθι καλοκαιρινό (2)
ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

Φανταστείτε την καλύτερη παρέα για τις καλοκαιρινές διακοπές των μικρών μας φίλων!
Ένα υπέροχο ταξίδι στο βυθό της θάλασσας μέσα από εκπαιδευτικά παιχνίδια που υπόσχονται να προσφέρουν την καλύτερη καλοκαιρινή συντροφιά και ψυχαγωγία σε παιδιά όλων των ηλικιών!
Μπορείτε να το αποκτήσετε εύκολα και γρήγορα κάνοντας κλικ στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:…/190-MAGAZINE07.html
Mε την αγορά κάθε τεύχους στηρίζετε παιδιά και οικογένειες που έχουν ανάγκη σε όλη την Ελλάδα!
*Ευχαριστούμε θερμά την εκπαιδευτική πλατφόρμα Learning Corner and Crafts για την ευγενική παραχώρηση του υλικού


Την 8η εθελοντική αιμοδοσία πραγματοποιεί διοργανώνει η ΧΑΝΘ, στο κεντρικό της κτήριο, στις 9 και 10 Ιουνίου, σε συνεργασία με 20 κοινωνικούς φορείς και οργανώσεις της κοινωνίας των πολιτών.

Read the full article here!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Mission accomplished in less than 48 hours!

Thanks to the immediate response of thousands of people from the city of Patras, as well as people from all over Greece, we have managed to gather in less than 48 hours, the immense amount of 85.327 Euros, which was required for 12-year-old Nikolia’s life changing journey to the city of Hanover, where she will be subjected to a surgical resection of her tumor. Currently, we are processing all of the donations, while they will be posted in detail on Nikolia’s aid campaign page, within the next few days.
We kindly thank you for the support you have shown towards this family, who are overwhelmed by the compassion you have demonstrated throughout their ordeal. Within just 2 days, we have managed to achieve the unachievable!
Now, Nikolia has to fight the biggest of her life. We truly hope that the surgery will have the best possible outcome, and that she’ll soon return to Greece, healthy and happy!
Our beloved Nikolia, our thoughts and prayers are with you! We will be anxiously waiting for any development!

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