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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Together, we have managed to get some weight off Vaggelis’ shoulders!

Thanks to your defining contribution, we have managed to support Vaggelis throughout one of the most challenging periods in his life. The 43-year-old man, who for the past year, has been experiencing health problems and has been unable to cope with his daily expenses, is now feeling more optimistic about his future. To this day, we have managed to gather the sum of 4.672,76 Euros, which was used in order to cover the cost of Vaggelis’ essential needs.
We kindly thank you for supporting all of our efforts!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Little Maria’s surgery was a complete success!

Maria from Ouranoupoli was recently subjected to a surgery that was performed in a clinic of Paris and according to the specialized surgical team who took on this challenging case, everything went well, since they managed to remove the ganglioneuroblastoma, without damaging the surrounding nerves and vessels.
From the moment we got informed about Maria’s case, we did everything in our power in order to send this little angel to Paris. Thanks to the initiative and direct action of the Association Charitable Voluntary Actions Empathy, the moving mobilization of the local community of the Municipality of Aristotle Halkidiki, as well as thousands of people from all over Greece and abroad, we have managed, in just a few days, to achieve the unachievable! Maria’s parents are extremely grateful to all of you, for everything you have done for their little girl. They were in despair, however your love and compassion have given them great strength and courage!
Currently, Maria is recovering from the surgery, while she will have to stay in the hospital for many more days, in order to be subjected to the required post-op tests. Our beloved Maria is a fighter and we are confident that she will have a speedy recovery and will soon return to Greece as a winner! We will stand by this family’s side for everything they might need, while keeping you updated on any development.
Once more, we have proven that when we join forces, we can achieve everything!
Thank you.

ΓενικάEvents & CollaborationsΜΜΕ

Maria's life journey

The love of all of us became a bridge of life for our little Maria, who will be able to go abroad in time to fight her own battle!We would like to thank ANT1 Studio with View for highlighting the work of our organization! We are at the side of our little Maria and her family and we will keep you informed about all the developments of her health progress.

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ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

During the Holy Days of Easter, the Social Grocery of our Organization gave smiles and hope to 300 families of Northern Greece. Volunteers of the Act of Love together with the valuable help of the athletes of the Eupator Christoforidis Boxing Club collected, selected and distributed food and goods to all the members of our Organization. With the decisive contribution of all our supporters and thanks to the practical contribution of all of you, we managed to make the festive days of Easter more beautiful for our fellow human beings. Yet another proof of what we can do when we join forces, all together! *We would like to thank the athletes for their valuable contribution!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

We have reached our funding goal for little Christina!

Thanks to your immediate response, we have managed to gather on time the amount required for little Christina’s surgery!
Christina is a four-year-old girl who was recently diagnosed with atrial septal defect and main pulmonary artery dilation, while according to the doctors who monitor her condition she had to be subjected to surgery as soon as possible.
Together, we have managed to gather on time the amount required for the family’s transportation and lodging in Athens, where the surgery will be performed.
Christina and her family have already landed in Athens. The little girl has been subjected to all the required pre-op tests, while in a few days she will be subjected to the surgery that will have her life!
On behalf of the family, we would like to thank all of you out there for your defining contribution.
We truly hope that the surgery will have the best possible outcome and that this ordeal will soon be nothing more but a bad dream!
God bless you all!

ΙΒΑΝΑ 2 (2)
Χωρίς κατηγορία

Ivana’s second treatment session was successfully completed. We keep on fighting for her recovery!

A few days ago, and thanks to all of you out there, Ivana was successfully subjected to her second treatment session, which was performed in a private clinic in Athens. The second session cost 10.000 Euros, a sum that we wouldn’t be able to raise without your defining contribution.
Ivana is just 15 months old and she has to wear a tracheostomy and a gastrostomy, since she is suffering from a rare form of vascular dysplasia, which extends to the area of the tongue and the pharyngeal wall. This medical case is extremely rare and it cannot be treated in any public hospital in the country.
Thanks to your immediate response, we have managed to gather so far the amount of 30.000 Euros, which was required for her two treatment sessions. However, we are running out of time, since in a few days, the baby will have to be subjected to the third session. Unfortunately, we still haven’t been able to raise the amount that is required for the procedure.
Little Ivana is going through tough times and she needs us by her side. We cannot turn our backs on a suffering baby! So let us join forces and offer this little fighter the chance to remove the stomas and to live a normal life! Together, we can make it happen!


Η πρωτοβουλία αφορά στην ενίσχυση της διαδικασίας για τα έξοδα αποκατάστασης που απαιτούνται για την Θεοδώρα.

Read the full article here!


Το Σάββατο ήταν μια πολύ ιδιαίτερη μέρα για όλους μας καθώς λίγο πριν την έναρξη του σημαντικού αγώνα της Super League που διεξήχθη στο κατάμεστο Εθνικό Στάδιο Ιωαννίνων «οι Ζωσιμάδες» πραγματοποιήθηκε Τελετή Απονομής προς τον Οργανισμό μας από την ομάδα PAS GIANNINA FC με σκοπό την διάσωση της αγαπημένης μας Θεοδώρας που δίνει μάχη για τη ζωή.

Read the full article here!


Mε επιτυχία ολοκληρώθηκε η Τελετή Απονομής προς τον Οργανισμό ΠΡΑΞΗ ΑΓΑΠΗΣ από την ομάδα ΠΑΣ ΓΑΝΝΙΝΑ, το Σάββατο 22 Απριλίου 2023 λίγο πριν την έναρξη του σημαντικού αγώνα της Super League που διεξήχθη στο κάτάμεστο Εθνικό Γήπεδο Ιωαννίνων «Ζωσιμάδες». 

Read the full article here!

ΓενικάEvents & Collaborations

Saturday was a very special day for all of us as just before the start of the important Super League match that took place in the packed National Stadium of Ioannina "Zosimades" a ceremony was held by the PAS GIANNINA FC team in order to save our beloved Theodora who is fighting for her life. On the initiative of the journalist Philippos Piliakopanou and with the decisive contribution of the veteran footballers of the teams PAS Achera Kanalakiou and PAS GIANNINA, Mr. Dimitris Klitsa and Mr. Christos Christodoulou, as well as the whole team of P.A.S. GIANNINA were delivered to the Act of kindness3 collectible jerseys signed by veterans and active footballers in order to be used for the rehabilitation of our Theodora! Representatives of the Organization, accompanied by young children, presented honorary plaques to the representatives of the teams as a token of thanks for their selfless contribution.

The auction process starts on Monday 24 April via the Charity Idols online platform and you can find out more information about it through our digital channels on Facebook & Instagram.

We would like to thank Kostas Pediaditakis, Philippos Piliakopanos, Christos Christodoulou, Dimitris Klitsa, PAS GIANNINA club and all active and veteran footballers for their practical support of our project!

Congratulations to PAS GIANNINA team for the great victory and good luck in the next matches!

* A surprise was provided by the players when after the end of the match, the scorer of the match, George Pamlidis, signed his own jersey and offered it to the Organization in order to be donated for the rescue of one more of our fellow human beings in need!

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