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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Χωρίς κατηγορία

It was a long journey, filled with difficulties and obstacles, but also filled with hope and thirst for life. Thankfully, this adventure had a happy ending. Two months ago, Christos-Efrem, the little boy from the city of Thessaloniki, won the battle against cancer and made it home. After numerous and painful rounds of chemo, the little guy was successfully subjected to a liver transplant. His body didn’t reject the transplanted organ, while his recovery went very smoothly. After being hospitalized for several months in Palermo, the family returned to Greece, where Christos-Efrem will have to be frequently subjected to various tests as a precaution, in a public hospital. We would like to kindly thank all of you for standing by this family’s side, supporting them throughout this ordeal.
Happy birthday, little guy! We sincerely wish you a long life, full of health and happiness! Your smile warms our hearts and gives us hope for a better world!

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Χωρίς κατηγορία

19-year-old Irini’s life was turned upside down, since she was recently diagnosed with a brain tumor. After complications during her first surgery, she was immediately transferred to a private clinic in Thessaloniki, where she underwent another surgery in order to remove the residual tumor. Thanks to your immediate response, we have managed to gather the amount required for Irini’s surgery, as well as for any additional treatments that she might need. In August, she will be subjected to further tests, as well as an MRI that will determine the right course of treatments.
On behalf of her family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your defining contribution! In these challenging times that we live in, it’s important to support each other, especially when it’s a matter of health. Today, it’s Irini. Tomorrow it could be any of us. However, if we stick together, we can make it happen! Dear Irini, we wish you a speedy recovery and we look forward to hearing good news regarding your test results!

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Χωρίς κατηγορία

Alexandros is a child who suffers from a severe form of autism, therefore he is struggling in order to express himself and communicate. For a long period of time, his family was unable to provide him with the speech and occupational therapy sessions that were required for his psychosocial and overall development, due to financial hardship. However, thanks to your immediate response, Alexandros is now being subjected to a treatment plan, in a specialized facility in the city where he resides, while most of his medical bills are taken care of.

On behalf of his family, we would like to kindly thank all of those people who stood by his side. Together, we have managed to offer him a chance to a better quality of life and to a better future!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

The 2-years-old Isidoros has a permanent tracheostomy so that he can breathe normally while he is at risk of infections and pulmonary edema if he does not receive specialized care 24 hours a day. Our little one has been diagnosed at birth with a very rare syndrome – Nunan Syndrome, which causes serious problems in his lymphatic and respiratory system. Due to respiratory complications, our loved one has been hospitalized several times for long periods of time and has undergone two dangerous surgeries as the treatment he was receiving caused blood clots that endangered his life.Until today, we all managed to secure some of his treatments. However, the total amount for all the necessary treatments and the necessary consumables that will prevent irreparable damage to little Isidore is estimated at 25,780 and it is impossible to secure without the even greater practical support of all of us.A little boy’s life is in danger and only we have the power to save him.Our immediate response is of the essence, in order to save his life! Any contribution, big or small, can make a great difference!https://act-of-kindness.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ΙΣΙΔΩΡΟΣ-english.mp4

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Χωρίς κατηγορία

5-month-old Panagiotis has been diagnosed with a severe congenital cardiac defect – Tetralogy of Fallot- for which he has already been subjected to a shunt procedure. Within the next few months, the little baby will undergo an open-heart surgery in order to repair his heart defect. The amount that we have raised will be used for the cost of his heart surgery and hospitalization, as well as for settling the remaining medical bills from the previous procedure.
On behalf of his family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for standing by our side, making it possible for us to perform this divine act of kindness! Our thoughts and prayers are always with this little baby. We sincerely hope he wins this battle and lives a life full of health!

Read more here

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Within 3 days, we have managed to gather the amount required for the two procedures that will safely eliminate the nodules in Alexandros’ lungs! Your touching and immediate response proves one more time, the importance of solidarity and of helping one another! On behalf of the family, we kindly thank you all!
Dear Alexandros, we sincerely wish you a speedy recovery. We know you can fight this! Our thought and prayers are always with you!

Read more here

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Χωρίς κατηγορία

Within a short period of time, we have managed the impossible! Thanks to our help, Georgios Vagianidis, the young man from the city of Katerini, will be able to proceed with his physiotherapy sessions until he makes a full recovery. The amount that we have gathered is sufficient for at least 12 more months of intensive physiotherapy in a facility located in the city where he resides, that will help him regain his motor skills and walk again without assistance. On behalf of Georgios, we would like to kindly thank all of you out there for supporting his effort! We kindly thank all of you who stand by our side, making it possible for us to keep on offering our help to people in need!
Dear Georgios, we wish you strength and a speedy recovery! We will be by your side every step of the way!

Events & CollaborationsNEWS

The presentation of the Organization’s new collectible fairytale, turned out to be a great success!

Lambros Konstantaras along with the author, Mariza Koutsospyrou, and all of the students of the School of Graphic Design and 3D Animation of @iekakmiedu, who participated in the making of the magazine’s visual elements, presented the original fairytale by the title of “When If met with Fear” and amazed the audience of this special event, which took place in the crowed Institute’s auditorium ‘Alexander the Great’!

This collectible fairytale is available for purchase in order to support children and families in need all around Greece. You can purchase the fairytale through the Organization’s e-shop, by simply clicking on the following link: https://bit.ly/3NkKueK (This purchase is only available for Greek residents)

We would like to kindly thank all of the people who participated in the making of this unique edition, as well as Lambros Konstantaras for his amazing presentation and overall support of this project!



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Χωρίς κατηγορία

With great pleasure we deposited today the total amount collected for the rescue of our little Nikola, 45,796.38 Euros, in the account of his father in order to be used for the immediate needs of our loved one. With the full contribution of all, the amount of money collected exceeded the initial goal and with the consent of the family, this will be donated to our little one for other daily needs and recovery.
Thank you very much once again for your awareness and immediate mobilization!
Our little Nikolas, you are a real fighter and this gift of Life belongs to you! We are all by your side!
The Act of Kindness Organization will be by the side of little Nikolas and his family for as long as it takes!

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Χωρίς κατηγορία

Within four twenty-four hours thousands of people joined in one punch and collected the amount of 45,796.38 euros covering the total cost of the surgery as well as the rest of the family’s expenses for the time they will need to stay away from their homeland. A huge hug we became all together for 3-year-old Nikolas from Corfu, who is fighting a titanic battle with an aggressive form of cancer – 4th degree neuroblastoma – and will have to undergo critical surgery to remove the tumor. Today we were informed that our little one started a new cycle of chemotherapy, the result of which will determine the medical procedures to be followed in the coming period. The mobilization of all of you was very moving, as was the decisive initiative of the #team_Nikolas team that flooded Twitter with posters, posts and a live marathon, in order to support the campaign of our little one. Thank you all warmly and on behalf of the family! We will be by nikolas and his family’s side for as long as needed and we will inform you about the course of his health.
Our little lion, the prayers of all of us to accompany you in the battle you are fighting and we wish you soon to come out victorious!

View Nikolas’ campaign

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