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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece


Today is a great day! Today, we are celebrating a holiday which is both national and religious!
On this day, Greeks all over the world pay homage to their ancestors, by celebrating the beginning of the Greek revolution of 1821 against the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, this is the day when the feast of the Annunciation of Virgin Mary is held. The day that angel Gabriel announced to Mary that she would give birth to Jesus Christ!

God bless Greece!


Today was a day filled with joy and excitement, since thanks to the generous offer of competent bodies, corporations and fruit producers, we have managed to gather half a ton of food products, so that they will be distributed to our fellow citizens in need, who reside in Thessaloniki and other areas of Northern Greece! In the context of our weekly distributions, and always following the health and safety precautions, our volunteers are preparing these "packages of kindness", in order to offer them to children and families in need!


We would like to congratulate the high school students of Anatolia College for their so generous offer of essential items to the Organization. In the context of our humanitarian aid project for Ukraine, all gathered items will be distributed to suffering children and families!
We kindly thank them for their generous initiative and for supporting our effort!


The first humanitarian aid mission to Ukraine was successfully completed by a specialized team of the Act of Κindness Organization!

Thanks to the mobilization and the undivided contribution of all of you, we have already delivered the first part of the humanitarian aid - essentials, medical supplies, clothing - that has been collected recently at the premises of our Organization. The donated items were collected in a place indicated to us by the competent authorities and after the necessary sorting, they were distributed by members and volunteers to children and families who were forced to flee their country because of the war.

We continue the difficult but effective work in war-affected Ukraine!


School violence and school bullying are now considered a social problem and these terms are used to describe a situation in which systematic, deliberate and repeated violence is used, as well as aggressive behavior aimed at enforcing, suppressing and causing physical and mental pain to students by their classmates, inside and outside school. Domestic violence, starts from many different causes, manifests itself in different ways, in varying intensity, causing intense stress, low self-esteem, insecurity, phobias, etc. and seriously injures the child's soul.

The most common manifestations of intra-school violence are:

Gestures, pushes, beatings Verbal attacks, threats, insults Extortion, destruction, theft of personal belongings Sexual harassment and abuse Exclusion from groups, games, activities When a child is bullied at school, they often show, among other things, a low mood or refusal to go to school, an unexpected learning drop that is reflected in falling grades, it is a bad mood, during breaks he spends his time in the classroom or around teachers and offices he changes routes to and from school, has unexplained marks and bruises on his body or other signs of attack while avoiding explaining how they happened, presents sudden changes in his mood, complains of psychosomatic problems.

When it is found that a child has been the victim of school blackmail, this should be reported immediately to the appropriate school teacher in order to address the situation. For his part, the parent should pay special attention to the issue and talk to his child. Assure him that he will not be hurt if he tells him what is happening, explaining that as a parent he will protect it and encourage it in conversation.

However, in the effective prevention and treatment of the occurrence of violence between students, it is necessary to involve all the competent bodies and to design and implement specific programs aimed at its elimination.

Useful tips for parents

When parents find out that their child has been bullied at school, they must act immediately and without wasting time! They have to pay special attention to the issue and talk to it. Assure him that he will not be hurt if he tells them what is happening, explaining that as parents they will protect it.

Here are some helpful tips to help you get started:

Never tell your child to ignore bullying or take any responsibility. Instead, encourage him to talk and encourage him to talk. Explain to him that bullying is unacceptable and that he is not to blame for anything, so he should talk to you. Do not encourage your child to confront the perpetrator, control your own emotions and handle the situation discreetly. Contact the responsible school teacher IMMEDIATELY and bring the incident to his attention to address the situation. Work closely with the responsible teacher to solve the problem.

Encourage your child to develop extracurricular interests that will help them become (mentally) empowered and socialize with students who are friendlier to them. Work closely with the responsible teacher to solve the problem.

What is not school bullying:

When the parties involved are of equal strength and not unequal, due to number, physique, social status, culture, then it is a conflict, perhaps violent, but not intimidating behavior.

In addition to equality of power, there is also a similar emotional reaction, which means that both students are angry (middle photo) and not like in bullying where the target student is afraid and unable to defend himself.

There is also the case of teasing, where students make jokes with each other while both are really having fun.

Remember that effective intervention and prevention are important elements in tackling violence among students.

Source: www.ert.gr

ukraine en en

"Act of Kindness", the Child and Family Welfare organization, urgently calls their fellow citizens in order to help the people of Ukraine. We are gathering essential items and medical supplies, so that they will be sent immediately to suffering children and families all over Ukraine.

Aiming to offer a sense of relief to the people of Ukraine, we will be sending humanitarian aid twice a week to all accessible regions, which will then be distributed to all the affected people by volunteers and members of our specialized staff.

The items listed below are acceptable for donation:

Water bottles, soda cans and juice cartons Cream of wheat and baby formula Food supplies, such as food cans, cereal bars, honey, jam, praline spread, cookies, bread rusk, croissant and every other edible that can be stored outside the fridge Disposable dishes, cups and cutlery Personal hygiene products, such as pads, toothbrush, toothpaste and toilet paper Medicine (antipyretic, anti-inflammatory tablets or syrup) Medical supplies, such as saline solution, gauze, bandages, betadine solution, alcohol, cotton pads Diapers, baby wipes Clothing items, blankets, towels, sleeping bags, tents All the above items are being gathered from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 1 pm at the organization’s facilities:

66 Dorulaiou Street, Toumpa area, Thessaloniki 4 Salaminos Street, Port area, Thessaloniki. For any additional information, please contact us at +302316011389 or send an email at info@praxiagapis.gr.

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Our beloved little guy has grown up and just before his first birthday, he got to see the world with his own eyes! Thanks to our prompt response and your defining contribution, Christos-Rafael got the chance to fight his rare eye condition – congenital glaucoma – and to get his sight back. We have just received the most priceless gift from this baby boy and his mother and we feel so moved and so proud for this little guy! We will keep on standing by this little hero and his family!


We kindly thank "Amvrosia Ltd", for their act of generosity. The company has donated to the "Act of Kindness" organization, an enormous quantity of high-quality salads, so that they would be donated to families in need. We would like to congratulate them for their social responsibility and philanthropic disposition!

Χωρίς κατηγορία

The mother of our beloved Dimitris is thanking all of these people who supported them throughout this ordeal and offered them a ray of hope, through this heart touching video!

We wish from the bottom of our heart that Dimitris gets better soon!


Χωρίς κατηγορία

After turning our love for this young fighter into action, today we are able to offer him the gift of life! Thanks to the sensitivity and the defining support of thousands of people worldwide, in just 3 weeks we have managed to raise the funds that will help make a great difference in this boy’s life. Thanks to you, Dimitris will be immediately subjected to the required, intensive, home-based treatments that will help him regain his speech and motor skills, as well as his swallowing ability. We are confident that he is going to make it!

The mother’s statement:

“I still can’t believe it’s true. We had lost all hope. I’m sure that every mother out there could relate. That’s when I contacted the Act of Kindness organization. They immediately reassured us that everything would be fine, while they did their best in order to support us. All these years, we have received a lot of love; however I never thought that my son would have a chance in getting better. I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart, all these people who have supported us. I would also like to help the Act of Kindness organization and the people who work there, because none of this would be feasible if it weren’t for them. In the end, miracles can come true, when we all stick together”.

We would like to kindly thank all of you for your defining contribution and support. Thanks to you, we have managed to offer hope for a better future to a young boy!
We will stand by this family’s side for as long as needed and we will keep you updated!

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