Author: - Page 42 - Πράξη Αγάπης

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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece

Our magazine’s newest issue has begun its journey across Greece, and it has already amazed children and adults! 

The magazine includes an original fairytale written by children, who have so generously provided it to the "Act of Kindness" organization, in order to help children and families who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems. 

We would like to congratulate the second grade students of the school year 2020-2021, who attend Andreadis Schools, for writing the fairytale by the title of "Hidden door, Golden door, said the magic mirror".

We would also like to thank their teacher, Mrs. Mariza Koutsospirou, as well as the principal of Andreadis Schools, Mrs. Persefoni Aslanoglou, for their defining support. The graphic designs were made by Andreas Leoudis. 

The magazine is being distributed all over Greece by authorized representatives of the "Act of Kindness" organization!

Look for them….

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Aggelos is a six-year-old boy who has been suffering from brain cancer since the age of three. 

The onset of his condition was in early 2017 when, after manifesting headaches and mobility issues, he had his first MRI. On July 14th of the same year, he underwent a brain surgery, where he was diagnosed with stage 3 Ependymoma. He was then submitted to chemotherapy and radiation treatment, in order to eliminate the cancer cells.

 After the successful outcome of his treatments, the doctors recommended regular check-ups. 

In April of 2020, during one of his routine check-ups, the doctors discovered two new brain tumors. He immediately underwent another surgery in order to remove the tumors, as well as a new round of chemo. It seems like Aggelos still has a long way ahead of him, since the chemotherapy is debilitating his system. Currently, the little boy is unable to receive food orally, since the rounds of chemo have caused him to experience stomach problems. He now receives nutrition through a feeding tube which is attached to him wherever he goes. Clearly exhausted by all these medical procedures, the little boy cannot go to school or keep up with the daily activities of children his age. 

His family has never left his side, doing everything in their power to alleviate his suffering. The little boy needs care around the clock therefore his parents are unable to work until he gets better. The cost for his treatments, as well as the daily living expenses, has worn out his parents, both financially and emotionally. 

Let us all contribute so that this little child can fight for his life!



The “Act of Kindness” organization, is gathering essential items in order to donate them to children and families in need. 

More specifically, we gather:

Food supplies that don’t require refrigeration (cans, oil, cookies, sugar, pasta, long-life milk, etc.)

Personal hygiene products (toilet paper, paper towels, soap, toothpaste, diapers, etc.)

Cleaning supplies (sponges, brooms, mops, detergents, etc.)

We would like to kindly thank all of you for your defining contribution!



Support our effort, so that we can keep on helping children in need, all over Greece!

“Because, each one of us has an inner child who speaks to us”.

Aimilios Cheilakis, Renos Haralambidis and Athina Maximou, stand by all children in need, defending their rights to better living conditions and encouraging us to perform an act of kindness!

We thank them kindly for their initiative!



The story of Anastasia who suffers from cerebral palsy

Anastasia is a four-year-old little girl from Athens who suffers from congenital cerebral palsy. Ever since she was just a baby, she was exhibiting signs of psychokinetic delay. Months went by, however the little girl was still unable to take her first steps or sit up. She was also showing signs of intellectual disability, therefore she was unable to speak and she couldn’t be properly fed. The more her musculoskeletal system developed, the more she suffered from excruciating pain due to muscle tightness and joint stiffness. Her pediatrician strongly recommended that she would begin an intensive program of physiotherapy and therapeutic swimming sessions. Anastasia’s mother could no longer work, as the little girl required 24 hour care. Her father had to work double shifts in order to support his multi-child family and afford the cost of her treatments. However, due to the frequent hospitalization of Anastasia and the constant moving back-and-forth for her treatment sessions, the father couldn’t keep his job. The bills were piling up and the family could no longer afford Anastasia’s treatments or the purchase of the orthopedic devices she required. The family came to a dead end; therefore they decided to contact us in order to get some help. We immediately paid a visit to the family, estimated the situation and tried to give them courage. Due to the financial difficulties they were experiencing, they had to stay with relatives; therefore the living conditions were not ideal for a child with a disability. The family owned an apartment that was under construction; however, they never had the chance to complete it. We had to immediately intervene in order to make sure that this child would live in dignity, in a house specially designed for people with disabilities, where she could have a better quality of life. We initially made an assessment regarding the family’s needs and after communicating with the doctors who were treating this child, we designed a treatment plan that included physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and therapeutic swimming sessions. We immediately took all the necessary actions in order to launch the “Campaign to support Anastasia”. Within just a few days, the little girl began her treatment sessions. After following intensive physiotherapy combined with therapeutic swimming sessions, the girl’s musculoskeletal system began to improve. The muscle tightness and joint stiffness were reduced, while the pain she experienced had begun to subside. At the same time, the construction and renovation of the apartment were completed. Within a few months, we managed to turn it into a beautiful space, equipped with all the necessary furniture and appliances. We installed doors, windows and a heating system. We constructed rooms for the children, but also a room for Anastasia that was equipped with everything her condition she required. We also installed a bathroom that was specially designed for people with disabilities. We made sure the refrigerator and cabinets were filled with food supplies, while we ensured that the family acquired all the necessary equipment for their daughter’s care. At the same time, we provided holistic psychosocial support to the family and we stood by them every step of the way. Today, the little girl still receives all the necessary treatments, while her speech and motor skills have shown great improvement. She began taking baby steps with assistance, while she can now eat with less difficulty, laugh and express herself. Staying in a new, peaceful and beautiful environment, was also defining for the little girl’s psychological state, since the temper tantrums she had been manifesting, have now subsided. The professionals who treat her are very pleased with the way she responds to the treatments and we are more than happy for the constant improvement of her condition. Within just a few months, we have managed to change the life of a child who suffers from cerebral palsy. Together, we gave this child a chance to live with dignity. Anastasia’s parents are doing much better now financially and they keep on supporting their child with all of their power. The greatest reward for us was the warm and happy faces of these children. Their smiles gave us the strength to carry on. To keep on performing acts of kindness in order to help children and families in need!

View Anastasia’s campaign

Following the doctors’ recommendations, the little girl is being subjected to physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions 2 times a week, at the Public Rehabilitation Center. For the last 3 years, her parents have been doing everything in their power in order to alleviate her suffering.

Χωρίς κατηγορία

Anastasia is a three-year-old little girl, who has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Her diagnosis has also been confirmed by the Disability Certification Centre.

 According to her medical records, the girl started to develop symptoms of psychokinetic delay when she was four months old and since then her condition has been deteriorating. Today, the little girl has a 90% disability rating and she is suffering from excruciating pain. Until this day, the attending doctors haven’t been able to find the right treatment for her. Following the doctors’ recommendations, the little girl is being submitted to physiotherapy and occupational therapy sessions twice a week, at the Public Rehabilitation Center. Unfortunately, her condition is not showing any signs of improvement, since due to the cerebral paralysis, she cannot perform basic functions, such as swallowing, moving or sleeping. For the last three years, her parents have been doing whatever they possibly can in order to alleviate her suffering. They are desperately trying to find physicians who are specialized on this disorder. However, the cost for these treatments is immense. 

Let us all contribute so that Anastasia can have a better quality of life!


Events & Collaborations

The “Plaisir” patisserie chain created yet another impressive “cookie of kindness” Part of the sales revenue was donated to the Organization, in order to support children who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems.

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Events & Collaborations

Volunteers and members of the Organization participated at the Christmas charity bazaar that was hosted by the “Jenny Blond” vintage store and the Caravan B&B, in order to educate people about our charity work and our effort to support our fellow citizens in need.

Events & Collaborations

Under the initiative of the “Act of Kindness” organization, the “Estia” patisserie chain created the first heart-shaped “cookie of kindness”. Part of the sales revenue was donated to the Organization in order to support children who are experiencing financial difficulties and health problems.


The voluntary blood donation that was organized by the "Act of Kindness" organization, in collaboration with the "Ippokrateio" General Hospital of Thessaloniki, took place on Sunday, November 24th, at the city hall of Thessaloniki, and turned out to be a great success. The presence of the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr. Konstantinos Zervas, of the Vice Mayor of Social Affairs, Mr. Haris Aidonopoulos and of the president of Medionpron, the International Center of Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, Mr. Konstantinos Fanariotis, was a solid proof that the competent bodies do engage in acts that promote the general welfare.  

The public’s response was immediate, since many of our fellow citizens turned up in order to perform an act of kindness. What was particularly surprising was the fact that many of the people who showed up were of a young age and also in groups. This shows that the institution of blood donation grows stronger over time. 

The event was organized under the support of the Vice Mayor of Social Affairs.

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