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Dorilaiou 66, Kato Toumba
Thessaloniki, Greece


Prompted by the International Children's Book Day, we are happy to announce one more major collaboration of our Organization! This time with a Greek school in Heidelberg in Germany!

With the defining help of their teacher, Mr. Michail Kontogeorgiou, the little students of the school are translating into German, the fairytale ‘’When If met Fear΄΄, written by Mrs. Mariza Koutsospirou and published by our Organization! As soon as the translation is completed, If’s story will be published in German in order to travel further away and to offer Smiles, Love and Solidarity, to even more children who need it! 

Because solidarity knows no borders and no language. It can embrace the entire world! 

We kindly thank the little students, their teacher, Mr. Michail Kontogeorgiou, and the writer, Mrs. Mariza Koutsospirou, for their positive disposition and their support towards our Organization!




In the streets of Igoumenitsa, we asked what solidarity is. If solidarity exists. They all mentioned a female name. Tatiana.

She was working as a photographer, covering an event. While looking for the bathroom, she accidentally walked into a room filled with piles of clothes. Some of them were used, some of them were new. She asked around and she soon realized that all these clothes would just stay there, since none of the people there had the time to deal with them. This random incident became a life purpose. She remembered the time when she herself was too ashamed to go to school, since she didn’t have any clothes to wear. So she did her best, so that no child experiences this feeling. It sounds like a fairytale. Yet it’s true….

You can be the Tatiana of your own neighborhood! 

Spend time with people who are lonely.

Offer a meal to someone who needs it.

Every offer can make the world a better place!


Events & CollaborationsNEWS

Proud supporters of the 10th Blood Donation, which is organized by the YMCA of Thessaloniki and the company TITAN, and which is dedicated to our fellow citizens who are suffering from thalassemia.

You can participate and book your appointment here:
👉 https://forms.gle/WEfojwM2gn6gDxHj6

One more act of kindness, in collaboration with: Brotherhood of Penurious Men of Thessaloniki, Sisterhood of Penurious Women of Thessaloniki, Unesco Center for Women and Peace in the Balkan Countries, Thermaides Organization, Kalipatira Athletic Union, Achtida Center, Agrotiki Pediki Folia, Association of Friends of the American Farm School, SOS Children's village, Pigi Zois, Greek Thalassemia Association, Association of Rescue Volunteers of Thessaloniki, International Women’s Organization of Greece, RED-Y, Lions Club Thessaloniki Hypatia, Association for Women in Science of Thessaloniki, and Greek Children’s Village-Filiro.

Help Hellas, Imeroessa and Act of Kindness also support the 10th Blood Donation, which will take place on Friday the 6th and Saturday the 7th of April 2024, at the YMCA central building, in collaboration with the Center for Blood Donation of the Agios Pavlos hospital and the AHEPA hospital.

In collaboration with the National Transplant Center’s offices in Thessaloniki, the blood donors will also be informed on bone marrow transplant and on how to register in the international database.

This event is organized by the regional Unit of Central Macedonia, the Municipality of Thessaloniki-Kalamaria-Pilea-Hortiatis, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the National Blood Donation Center.



25η Μαρτίου 2024

On the 25th of March we not only celebrate our nation, but we also celebrate the Annunciation!

This day is here to remind us of the importance of Freedom and Democracy, while representing the divine announcement of the Incarnation, which fills our hearts with optimism and faith for a better world!

Happy 25th of March to all Greeks!


We kindly thank @ertofficial for their warm hospitality!


Lemonis modern bakery organized a successful initiative, dedicated to the app ‘’OLGA’’, which was created by our Organization and was officially launched on March 8, prompted by the International Women's Day. 

The company created special cupcakes that had the name OLGA emblazoned on them and that were available to the public in all store locations. The sales revenue will be offered to support our digital app, which has been created for the protection of women.

We kindly thank the company for their defining support and their social offer. 

We keep on fighting for a better world, where no woman is alone!

You can now enter the app and reach out to professional psychologists and social workers, free of charge: https://olgaforall.gr/

#olgacupcake #olgaforall #lemonismodernbakery #PraxiAgapis


The digital app OLGA (olgaforall.gr) has been launched and it is targeted at women over 16 years of age, who may be the victims of violence. 

You too can send a message, anonymously and free of charge, and speak with a psychologist in order to receive individualized counseling.

We kindly thank @action24tv, the journalism team and all members of the production, for their warm hospitality.




Our Organization is proud to present for the first time in Greece, the web application OLGA (https://olgaforall.gr/), which alllows all women, who are subjected to any form of violence, to communicate in real time, by sending a text message FREE OF CHARGE, with social workers and psychologists, who will be offering them counseling, psychological and social support services. 

Today we are inaugurating our pilot application. Currently, the app is only available in the regional unit of Central Macedonia, however it will soon be available in the entire country.

The app allows the users to keep their anonymity, while all users will be able to communicate, via live chat, with qualified professionals, who will be providing both counseling and individualized support, leveraging the existing public social structures.

Millions of women around the world can see themselves in Olga. Olga’s death was senseless, and nothing we can do can change that. After standing by her side throughout her struggle to stay alive for so many months, we are more determined than ever. 

An homage to Olga Dimitrakopoulou, who was so loved by so many of us!

A tribute to every woman out there, who died in vain, to every woman who is suffering!

For a better world, where no woman is alone!

It's never too late to speak up! Take life into your own hands!


Enter today: https://olgaforall.gr/


*Pilot operation of the OLGA web application

Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Available in the Region of Central Macedonia


Ο Οργανισμός Πράξη Αγάπης παρουσιάζει για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα την διαδικτυακή εφαρμογή (Web app) OLGA μέσω της οποίας κάθε γυναίκα που υφίσταται βία μπορεί να στείλει ψηφιακά ΔΩΡΕΑΝ γραπτό μήνυμα και να επικοινωνήσει σε πραγματικό χρόνο με εξειδικευμένο εκπρόσωπο, ο οποίος θα προσφέρει υπηρεσίες κοινωνικής, ψυχολογικής και συμβουλευτικής υποστήριξης. 

Read the full article here!


Ένα ηχηρό μήνυμα ενάντια στη βία κατά των γυναικών θα σταλεί από σήμερα, Παγκόσμια Ημέρα της Γυναίκας στη Θεσσαλονίκη.

Read the full article here!

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