Ετικέτα: Treatments in progress - Σελίδα 2 - Πράξη Αγάπης
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Δορυλαίου 66, Κάτω Τούμπα
Θεσσαλονίκη, Ελλάδα

Ετικέτα: Treatments in progress


The story of Dimitris and his struggle for a better quality of life.

Dimitris was born and raised in the town of Irakleia in Serres, where he lived happily with his family. In 2018, at the age of 7, and while being completely healthy, he contacted a type B influenza. He was then hospitalized in the PICU of a hospital in Thessaloniki, where he remained comatose for three months. Our dear friend was diagnosed with spastic quadriplegia that was caused by encephalitis. He was exhibiting severe brain dysfunction and complete paralysis of his lower extremities. After the 7-year-old boy had been subjected to all the necessary treatments, he was discharged in order to undergo physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions that would improve his condition. His family has never left his side, always struggling in order to provide him with everything he needs. Dimitris was unable to speak, therefore he couldn’t communicate his needs, nor move. He was also unable to receive nutrition orally. The attending doctors recommended that he were immediately subjected to the required treatment program. However, his parents were unable to afford the cost of the treatments, since they were taking caring of him around the clock and were unable to work. The family was in a dead end, therefore the father reached out to us in order to receive our help throughout this ordeal. We immediately paid a visit to the family and we met in person this brave little boy. After evaluating the situation, it became clear to us that the parents couldn’t possibly afford the cost of the intensive home-based treatment program that was required for his condition. That being said, we immediately organized a campaign in order to raise the amount that would allow our little friend to get his life back. At the same time, we provided psychological and moral support to the family so that they could focus on their son’s needs. The amount that was raised during the campaign was not sufficient for the overall cost of his treatments; therefore the Organization settled the remaining amount on its own resources. After conducting a further inquiry, we found the most qualified physicians, who immediately started to treat the little boy. At the same time, we settled the family’s debts, so that they could focus on their child’s recovery. Furthermore, we strongly recommended that the family would move to a different house that would meet the required standards for a child with a disability, so that Dimitris could receive the best possible care in a healthy environment. In collaboration with his parents, we located a house that was suitable for them and we paid in advance 12 months’ worth of rent. After 8 months of intensive physiotherapy and speech therapy sessions, and to everyone’s surprise, our dear friend’s condition showed great improvement. This little fighter’s will to live, combined with the right therapeutic methods, contributed to a great improvement of his physical and mental health. We selflessly keep on providing our services to our large family’s newest member, hoping that our small contribution will make a great difference in Dimitris’ life, who, until this day, still follows his treatment plan!

View Dimitris’ campaign

The little boy was then diagnosed with encephalitis that caused severe cognitive impairment and complete paralysis of the lower extremities

Update 09.06.2021

Thanks to your all of your help and the guidance of the specialized medical stuff, this brave young boy keeps on fighting in order to face every day challenges. For the past 8 months Dimitrios is being submitted to all the recommended treatments, which, combined with the care of his family, have had a great impact on his condition. 

Since our first post, hundreds of people have responded to this family’s call for help. On behalf of the family, we would like to kindly thank all of you for your selfless support and your defining contribution. 

Together, we keep on supporting Dimitrios and his family in order to provide this little boy with a better quality of life!


The story of Stylianos

Stylianos Mastrokyriakakis is a 55 year-old man who lives in Crete. After an acute ischemic cerebral episode that he suffered in June of 2020, he is still struggling to get back on his feet, since he and his family are unable to afford the cost for his physiotherapy treatments.
Mr. Mastrokyriakakis has spent most of his adult life working as a farmer in the rural area of Crete, in order to raise his four children. In 2009, he was diagnosed with colon cancer. He immediately underwent surgery and radiation treatments, but due to his condition, he had to quit working. In May of 2019, he was once again hospitalized due to a heart attack. All of these years, his wife and children have never left his side, while supporting him in every way possible.
Due to the acute ischemic cerebral episode that he recently suffered, he needs care around the clock, provided by his wife. As a consequence, she is not able to work in order to provide for her family. The attending physicians have strongly recommended that he underwent a series of physiotherapy sessions in order to get back on his feet. Unfortunately, the family cannot afford these treatments. Due to the severe health problems that he has been facing for the past year and a half, Mr. Mastrokyriakakis doesn’t have a job or health insurance. His condition remains critical and if he doesn’t get the right treatments, the damage might become irreversible!

Update 10.12.2020

We are happy to inform you that we have received an appreciation letter from Manolis Mastrokyriakakis, who updated us on his father’s condition. After daily receiving the necessary treatments by a specialized medical stuff, his health has shown improvement. 

Since our first post, hundreds of people have responded to this family’s call for help. Mr. Mastrokyriakakis still has a long way to go, but thanks to your defining contribution, we will keep on supporting this family for as long as needed!

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